[GIVEAWAY] Win 1 seat to a Multi-Day Smartsheet University course



  • Sonja Mindrebo

    3 years ago I took the Smartsheet University - Marketing Professional Path, and it gave me the knowledge and skills I needed to transform marketing production processes for my organization. I not have access to additional Smartsheet products like DataMesh, DataShuttle, and WorkApps that I am eager to learn more about through another training course!

  • Gio Sanchez
    Gio Sanchez ✭✭✭

    My favorite class in 8th grade was Mr. Peterson's social studies. He had this amazing ability to make history come alive. We weren't just memorizing dates and names; we were debating the motivations of historical figures and creating mock trials for famous cases. Mr. Peterson also encouraged us to think critically and see things from different perspectives. It was the first time I felt genuinely interested in history, and a big part of that was Mr. Peterson's passion for the subject.

  • cbredehoeft
    cbredehoeft ✭✭✭✭✭

    One of the most impactful professional development courses I've taken was Servant Leadership Training. What made it exceptional was not just the content itself, but the dynamic experience of learning alongside peers from various positions within my organization. Our collective aim was to delve into leadership styles, particularly emphasizing the contrast between fostering collaboration and growth versus traditional heroic leadership approaches.

    What truly stood out was the interactive nature of the course. Through shared experiences and discussions, I gained invaluable insights. Initially, I believed the toxic leadership I witnessed was unique to my team, but this course revealed it to be a systemic issue. It was a profound realization that prompted a collective effort towards improvement.

    Throughout the training, we engaged in numerous exercises aimed at shifting our perspectives in both professional and personal contexts. The strategies we learned were not only applicable to the workplace but also had profound implications for personal growth.

    Now, having transitioned to a new department alongside some of those same peers, it's truly gratifying to witness the tangible impact of the course. This department has embraced the concepts of servant leadership, resulting in a balanced and motivating work environment. It's a testament to the transformative power of intentional leadership development

  • Adarian Searcy

    I always appreciate the opportunity to learn more, especially when it relates to a day-to-day task I am doing to improve time and efficiency and reduce stress. However, Smartsheet U is a game changer; 1:1 access, Q&A, and step-by-step live sessions are the best for a learner like myself. 

    This is an excellent opportunity to enhance skills or learn something new; good luck to everyone!

  • My favorite "course" to-date was actually my own company's internal training. capSpire does a great job at taking recent college graduates and mixing a lecture-based learning style with hands-on activities and real-world examples. Our team was small but collaborative and we did not move on from a subject until everyone felt they had a good understanding of the concept. At the end of our training, we conducted a mock business scenario with another employee as the "client," asking questions and providing requirements based on real experience.

    I think the key to great training is knowing your audience and providing multiple ways to grasp a concept. Connecting fundamentals to real-world examples really help drive the point home.

  • Sethrojello

    One of my favorite courses while living in the U.S. Virgin Islands was a sea turtle enrichment course focused on local ecology and biodiversity. This course was exceptional because it combined theoretical knowledge with hands-on experiences, allowing us to understand marine ecosystems and the importance of stewardship. The passionate marine biologists who taught the course emphasized responsible tourism and conservation practices, fostering a deep appreciation for marine life. Field trips and snorkeling excursions further enriched our understanding of coastal ecosystems and the need for preservation. Engaging in community beach clean-ups and educational outreach solidified our commitment to protecting our oceans and marine wildlife.

  • kate g
    kate g ✭✭

    I use Smartsheet everyday and the one on one video tutorial I had was great!

  • Caitlyn.G

    I went to college for Music to look to become a Music Therapist and one of my favorite courses I took was Intro to Jazz and the History. It was a night class so we were all super tired after a day of classes, for some of us, but my professor made the class so enjoyable and I felt like I learned so much from him. We were constantly immersed into Jazz and the culture and it made me appreciate Jazz music in a whole new light :)

  • NRJW53

    One of the best classes that still has an impact on how I work was my 6th grade science class. The teacher intensively taught us how to take notes in a manner that I used throughout my education and still at work today.

  • Jonathan Feuer

    Describe a favorite course you took and what made it great

    One of my favorite courses was the Google Data Analytics Certification hosted on Coursera. It was engaging and dynamic, hosted by multiple instructors, and covered a range of categories and skills which I was interested in and wanted to learn more about. Previously, I had basic knowledge in Excel and knew I was not utilizing it to its full potential. Through the course I obtained skills in not only Excel, but also SQL, R Programming language and learned key skills and concepts for creating striking and engaging visualizations in Tableau. I credit this course with giving me the resources and foundation that transferred to my current role using Smartsheet for creating project management schedules, data capture and dashboard visualizations.

  • Joleen Rasmussen

    As part of my sailing official certfication, I need to recertify every 4 year. Prior to covid, this involved traveling 5-13 hrs to attend a course. Now, many of those courses are virtual. I can take them yearly and I can attend the closer ones in person. Loving the new learning environment!

  • ColoKolth

    My favourite course was Coursera's Learn to Program: Crafting Quality Code in Python.

  • 4Shorr

    Just took a Skill path course on leadership. Very excited to use what I learned with my team to meet them where they are at and promote their growth.

  • Johnatakis

    My favorite course was a certification course required to be a Certified Instructor. It blended the learning experience with the principles of teaching. How to understand the students by listening and fostering a supporting and inclusive learning environment very quickly. I took the course over 20 years ago, but I use it in my everyday life since. Teaching, instructing or just being a parent or neighbor has aspects of what I learned in what I thought was a required course for a certification. Now I realize it was a pivotal part in my life. Thanks for reminding me.

  • Ken Stowers

    PM Certification Program.

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