[GIVEAWAY] Win 1 seat to a Multi-Day Smartsheet University course



  • lajackson_d33m

    I always look back fondly on my Certified Scrum Master course. This was in-person (pre-pandemic) course where we there were many activities, many of which required that we get up from our seats. I still use the info I learned in that course to this day.

  • Alan Roper

    My favorite class was one I tool in undergrad called "Creative Solutions in Distribution" and was essentially a class that got student out of their shell and allowed them to think creatively in solving complex problems. It was focused on the innovation process and taught is how to think abstract and then bring those abstract thoughts into a more critical view. As someone who is very "type-A" and by the book, this class stretched me to be able to think creatively and get out of the box I was limiting myself to. It was genuinely one of the most impactful classes I have taken in all of my years of schooling.

  • Best classes I have ever taken online was to be a Project Manager at PMI. They were very straightforward and stuff that everyone probably knows deep down. But in the business world, there are so many who dont know the right way to manage a great project. It was very helpful

  • hnorris

    One of my favorite classes ever is on LinkedIn and is called 'The Path to a Happy Career - Well-being in the Workplace'. The main message I liked was to be grateful, not anxious, whether at work or home. I highly recommend the course!

  • Gilbert
    Gilbert ✭✭

    Participating in Smartsheet's project manager training was transformative. It equipped me with essential skills in project planning, task delegation, and collaborative tools. The hands-on approach allowed seamless integration into my work, boosting productivity. Beyond technical proficiency, the training fostered a mindset of continuous improvement and adaptability. In essence, it empowered me to maximize value in every project endeavor.

  • Kleerfyre
    Kleerfyre ✭✭✭✭✭✭

    I would have to say my Certified Scrum Master certification course. I remember before the class started, it was over a weekend and I try to keep my weekends free to spend time with my family, dreading it as I felt it was just going to be another boring, drinking from a water hose type class. I was so wrong. The class was very interactive and everyone who was attending was engaged and very enthusiastic about learning the content. With interactive software and a hands on approach from the instructor, I can't remember the last time I enjoyed learning like this.

    Jonathan Sanders, CSM

    "Change is always scary because it is unknown, but facing the unknown is what makes us stronger."

  • nfatolitis
    nfatolitis ✭✭✭✭

    Blue\Green - "when we all win, then we win"

    I work for Florida local Government. They offer a course called Certified Public Manger - it is a 7 section course and each course is 4 days.

    One of the activities was the Blue-Green game. It is a team game to help you learn things about your course-mates, like their level of competitiveness, their willingness to compromise and general team building. <spoiler> basically if you are a team player you vote Blue, if you are selfish you vote green. As the game progresses and the instructor gives more clues you (should) learn that it is better to vote blue.

    For my experience, I was a Green voter at the beginning, but my teammate\co-worker always voted Blue. Even though the game was offering great points for voting green. Early in the exercise I asked her why she didn't want Green and she said "I do want the green, but if we all take blue then our entire team can win, and we only win when we all win". She was former Air Force and she could tell this game wasn't just about ourselves at the table, but it was about the entire organization, and if each group voted Blue then we could all win. In the end, she was right and the game offered time to reflect on why we pursue personal advances, but also ponder what is best and what really gets us the best rewards. I had a great fondness for my teammate after that game, and she became a great mentor.

    It was a memorable learning experience and I will often repeat to team members - when we all win, then we win - . And since this is a course offered to many employees I can say we need to do this so we win Blue\Green and they immediately rethink their stance.

  • kspoplar

    My favorite learning course was a knit-a-long where each week we met and learned one new knitting stitch. We would practice that stitch by making a square and at the end of the course, we learned to stitch together all of the different squares to make one large afghan. It was engaging, we built comradery, and at the end we had a hand-made blanket. It was a great experience.

  • yugandhar

    I want to share my learning experience on my favorite certification that is non other than PMP (Project Management Professional) which is gold standard certificate for the project managers and the journey makes me a memorable ups and downs

    I choose Andrew Ramdayal from the Technical Institute of America (TIA) is the right person who will explain the exact content of the PMP certification and with a way he explains the topic with the finest examples that made me to understand the basics on the project and the rest goes on. It was a roller coaster for me on my

    First attempt I took the home based exam and because of the internet fluctuation I failed the exam

    Second attempt I opted for the center based exam, I felt every thing is fine, but the invigilator told me that my full name is not there in ID proof, and they need the ID proof which is having the signature on that and he told me you are not supposed to right this attempt, then again gone.

    Third attempt, I got the better experience in the first and second attempts then I am checked with all my requirements and needs for the exam, finally after 3 months I got the PMP certification heather on my hat that made my day 'YES I DID IT'.

    This journey make be memorable for me and got more courage to achieve more in my future.

  • jsgray3

    I had a fantastic English teacher in high school who taught a class in scientific Greek and Latin. Best class I've ever taken! I have used what I learned there throughout my life - college, career, helping my kids with homework, understanding medical jargon. I took that class in 1979.

  • One of my favorite courses was back during college when I was getting my M.S. in Quality Engineering and Management. It was a course split into two parts across 2 semesters called Six Sigma Black Belt. It was one of my absolute favorite classes. On the statistical side, learning how to design an experiment, what type to use, and how to analyze the results has proven to be extremely helpful in the quality field, obviously. It is amazing how manipulatable and adaptive DoE's can be to being used for everything and give you information on how to get to where you want to be. On the management side, it was very useful seeing how by using certain management techniques and styles, you can drastically improve the quality of what you are producing.

  • suenguyen19

    My favorite online course is Google's Fundamentals of Digital Marketing course. The bite-sized lessons were so easy to understand and the exercises were real-life-based, which is a great way to apply what I've learned. The illustrations were fun and colorful as well. I highly recommend it!

  • Adam Sparlin

    Working in the transportation industry here. My favorite professional development/product certification courses I've been involved with come from Samsara for their telematics system. Really straight forward lessons that allow you to learn and test at your own pace with good software in place for auto progress saving allowing minimal interaction with the UI of the system itself, allowing you to stay focused on the material.

  • Sharon Harris

    One of my favorite classes was process modeling with Moresteam. I have always preferred in-person training, and I was pleased to find that this interactive on-line course was excellent. During the course, I learned how to map a process, run simulations to identify constraints, and modify the process to be more efficient. I found the experience of learning to be enjoyable, and the skills I gained were valuable.

  • LookW
    LookW ✭✭

    One of my favorite courses I took was Tackling Certification when I was a high school football teacher. Being surrounded by other brilliant football minds and being able to talk about everything football made it a brilliant day.

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