July Question of the Month - Join the conversation and receive a badge



  • Peggy Parchert
    Peggy Parchert ✭✭✭✭✭✭


    As @ChrisStrube mentioned, someone who stands side-by-side with you, ready to tackle the dirty work together. No matter the obstacle, they show you how things are done, leading by example rather than just giving instructions. They are there for a pep talk or simply to remind you that being human is okay.

  • Isis Taylor
    Isis Taylor ✭✭✭✭✭✭


    The best mentor I ever had, constantly challenged me. It taught me how to pick apart my own work before anyone else does, to ask deeper questions, to step back and evaluate, and how to anticipate questions. It made me an expert analyst and I always know my data backwards and forwards.

    Isis Taylor

    Business Analyst Senior

  • JPRii
    JPRii ✭✭
    edited 07/02/24


    The best mentor I have had loved what he was doing, loved that he could share his wisdom, and fostered a loving and respectful teacher student relationship.

  • Cathy Salscheider
    Cathy Salscheider ✭✭✭✭✭


    They have to expertise in the subject matter, but also need to understand what level you are at and how to communicate with you on your level. They need to be patient and understand the challenges that you may encounter, by being aware of the potential barriers in your path before you see them. They need to let your learn, but also know when and how to assist you if you flounder. This comes from being empathetic.



    I've had a manager during very early stage of my career who is the best mentor I have ever had so far. Very passionate about sharing his experience, listening and providing guidance.

  • MarceHolzhauzen
    MarceHolzhauzen ✭✭✭✭

    You know, this is so difficult but i am going with


    I have had the privilege to be mentored by someone who has a list of qualities as long as my arm, some stand out more than others, but I think what made this person so great is the fact that they were selfless. They realized that everything is not about them and lived by a moral code I have not seen in a long time. Always doing right by the PEOPLE around them.

    One of the things I appreciated most about this person was their ability to be honest with me in the bad. Holding up a mirror and having tough conversations with me without being concerned about how it made them look. Their selflessness in teaching, learning and inspiring will forever be engraved in me.

    Marcé Holzhauzen
    Dare to try

    If this helped, help me & the SSC by accepting it and reacting w/💡insightful, ⬆️ Vote Up, and/or ❤️Awesome.

  • Ken Armstrong
    Ken Armstrong ✭✭✭✭✭✭


    Ken Armstrong

    Smartsheet Project Manager, GE Aerospace

    Certified Smartsheet Administrator

    Be Firm! Be Fair! Be Friendly! Be Honest!!!

  • Galexa0711
    Galexa0711 ✭✭✭


    Gina Alexander

    Business Analyst Consultant, Client Delivery Assurance | Optum Insight Provider Market


  • Rowena
    Rowena ✭✭✭

    Empathy is the cornerstone of mentorship because it allows mentors to understand and relate to the challenges and emotions of their mentees. An empathetic mentor can provide support that is tailored to the individual’s needs, fostering a safe and trusting environment for learning and growth. It’s about recognizing the unique perspectives and feelings of the mentee, which is essential for effective guidance and encouragement.

  • MCorbin
    MCorbin Overachievers Alumni


    The best mentors I've had have been generous with their time, their knowledge, and their wisdom. And honestly, generous with themselves - they share easily, laugh easily, and let you get to know them.

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