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Problems with LOOKUP formula

Edward Johnston
edited 12/09/19 in Archived 2016 Posts



I'm encountering an issue with the LOOKUP formula in Smartsheet.

Apparently it doesn't work with the names that I use in my lookup range (note that I dragged the formula down to the bottom, using "$" to block the rows of the range, but I get no results):


I would like to understand why it is not working and if there is a simple way to solve this.


Thank you,




smartsheet lookup.png

smartsheet lookup.png


  • Taylor F
    Taylor F Employee

    Hello Edward,


    LOOKUP by default will look through the table for the closest match. Since your table isn't sorted in alpha-numeric order it will stop at the first row because its value starts with "z". You'd either need to sort the table or set your LOOKUP formula to keep looking through the table for an exact match. To do this, add a "false" argument at the end. 


    =LOOKUP([Column 3]1, [Column 1]$1:[Column 2]$14, 2, false)


    Refer to this Community post for more information on this: https://community.smartsheet.com/discussion/lookup-function-return-value or let me know if you have any issues with this. 

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