How to set up automation to specific people.
Hello, I am working on a smartsheet and I ran into a problem. I have it set up currently where there are 5 options (A,B,C,D,E). and right now i have it to where if any of the option are picked person A email will fill in a different row. But now i need it to where if option D and E are picked both person A and now Person B…
Help With Automation Notifications
Our company uses smartsheet to track our employees' birthdays. We use automation to send an email to remind us about upcoming birthdays four days prior to the birthday, and then the morning of the birthday. The problem is that when the notification is sent four days prior to the birthday it also sends an email everyday…
Can I submit multiple dates in a form for one event?
I am trying to build a social media content calendar. We have our posting schedule laid out at regular intervals prior to the event. For example, if an event takes place on March 17th then we would have a post going out on March 10th, a reminder going our the 16th, and another post the day of the event. I am using…
Smartsheets - Machine Learning or other solutions
I'm working on a large smartsheet log that intakes customer information. I am wondering if Smartsheet can do the following using AI/machine learning: Users Update cell, Read cell, Interpret cell, and automatically insert the appropriate option from a drop down menu based on what is interpreted. It needs to be able to learn…
3 Row Limit for workflow notification to slack
I've set up an automation to send a slack notification when a date is reached on a sheet. Typically there are only 2-3 rows that trigger this on a daily basis. However when more than 3 are triggered, the slack notification only shows the first 3 rows and then indicates there is 1 other row but no further info. Is there a…
Automatic Workflow notify
Is there a way to set up an automation to identify in the message it pushes which column from the rows changed was actually changed?
Automation not working (Changing date and status when a task is checked off)
I would like both automations to be triggered when team members check off a task in the Done Column: The task should be marked as complete in the status column when triggered The current date should be added to the Completion Date column when triggered Currently, these are set up to run in the sheet and I'm not sure why…
Autofill based on Previous value.
Hello Team, I am preparing a service request spreadsheet. Users will be entering the issues, and the service request number should automatically pop up. upon all of the values entered. In this case, the Green highlighted values will be entered through customers via Form. Upon all of the values entered by customer,…
Question around Workflows and URLs
Hi Community, I need your help on a (possibly) simple issue I am facing. I have a very basic report with a very basic workflow. When a specific criteria is met, the workflow sends an e-mail with all the row details, including a link to a customer. Let's say that column is "Account Link" The issues come with the automated…
Total Age tracker overwrites last modified
Hi all, Hoping someone out there can help and hoping its just something simple i need to change. We use Smart sheets to monitor cases by age outstanding to help prioritise what needs looking at first. so i have a formula to grab data from a cell says A1 that has the TODAY function in. and then take that away from the last…