Merged: Copy and move selective columns
This discussion has been merged.
Basic Automation Workflow
Hi Community, I created a very simple automation where the trigger is when my % Complete row changes to 100% I want the Status cell value to change to complete. However it does not seem to be working. When I tried to run the workflow manually it changed all of my statuses to complete even if the % complete is less than…
Workflow to copy a cell and paste its value in another cell when the first changes.
Hello everybody I'd like create a workflow to copy the value of a cell date type when it changes to another cell in the same sheet. I can trigger the workflow when there's a change, however I can find a way to bring this value to the other column without using DataMesh or Formulas. In my case I want to avoid to use these…
Hello, i need some help how do i connect the %complete column to the status column
for example if the status says in progress i want the %complete column to automatically say 50% can anyone help me?
How do I make my Smartsheet columns update when I update the Form
I'm brand new to Smartsheet Forms and I'm on deadline. I accidentally created a Form tied to the wrong Sheet. After realizing my mistake, I duplicated the original sheet and fixed the new column headers (which had populated when I created the Form, of course!) and went back to the original incorrect Sheet ... I THINK it's…
How to guide a stakeholder through a multi-step monthly review process?
We are managing a portfolio of projects that cut across multiple teams. Each team has a "spokesperson" that is responsible for completing a handful of reviews each month for portfolio governance, such as: Review report showing project milestones that they own Review report showing project milestones that are owned by other…
Custom Auto Numbering Function
Hi! New Smartsheet user here, appreciate any help and guidance. I'm looking to create a formula to build a custom auto-number function. I'm including a screenshot for reference. I'd like to automate the Project ID column. Where the project ID is YEAR - CLIENT - CLIENT PROJECT NUMBER. Is there a formula out there that would…
How can I send automated updates to submitters?
I am setting up an automation for my client and am having trouble sending out automated messages and wondered if someone could help me with a solution. Here's the structure: Sheet 1: Reports are submitted monthly to sheet 1. (The submitters are not allowed to see the data in the workspace.) Approvers review the information…
Replace latest row with data from another sheet
Hi, I am trying to do the automation for replace latest row value from another sheet. So, I have a consolidation sheet and a reference sheet. Due do 2 of the projects submission are a week after the draft report review, I need to replace the latest row (not adding new row) with the most up to date data from the reference…
Increase limit for workflows triggering other workflows (aka daisy-chained automations)
I have a "Re-Release" process that is very long and complex. At one point in the process, a row goes through a series of automations that trigger each other. These automations copy the row to an archive sheet, move the same row to a "Re-Release" sheet, copy the ID# to an "Previous ID #" column, clear the data in over 60…