Configure Primary Domain in Safe Sharing
When we configured Safe Sharing this week, we added all of the domains in our organization except for the primary domain cswg.com. This did not limit any internal sheet sharing , but it did cause a firestorm of automations failing. Multiple licensed users suddenly received emails from SS saying one or more automations had…
Safe Sharing Awareness When Configuring Automations
If you have configured Safe Sharing, so that sheets cannot be shared outside of your organization(s), there is an option to prompt/lead users to a custom URL. This could be your own internal company policy or form. We have set up a custom dashboard where we have embedded both the text of our policy and a Smartsheet form to…
Replacing rows with automation
I have a sheet where I automate importing new rows whenever there is a change in spend. I want it to replace the previous row(s) that was imported with the same placement name so only the most recent one is visible. I'm thinking of some kind of formula that would populate on rows that have the same campaign name as other…
Removing the "Comments" tab from exported Excel reports
Hello, everyone! I have an automated Report that exports as an Excel file attachment to a team leader every week. He uses this report to upload info into a different system (not project management, a totally different thing). Each report comes with the report on one worksheet tab and a second worksheet tab called…
Can Smartsheet auto save immediately instead of after 1 min of inactivity?
Hi, My company is currently using Smartsheet for Onboarding tracking and workload. There are 10+ people working on the sheet and I wanted to know if there is a more immediate process to have the sheet auto save instead of saving after 1min of inactivity, that way everyone can see what is being worked on in real time?
Is there a way to troubleshoot automated emails not being sent consistently?
I have a smartsheet for accepting new work orders. I have an automation that emails the submitter know once their work order has been assigned. I am getting complaints from the submitters that they are not always getting the emails. I am not sure how to approach the problem. I cant figure out if the Activity Log records…
Auto sort
Checking if there's been any movement on having the sheets sort by data in a column as I see it's been requested since at least 2016. We have sheets that are sorted by a date that could be 2 days from the day entered or 12 months from the day entered. We also have a filter to hide past dates. Data is being entered via form…
Move specific attachments
Hi, i have a quite complex set up which i now want to added. I have an intake sheet where i collect all kinds of different information. The intake sheets holds projects from 0001 to 9999. I then have a metadata sheet which is linked to the intake sheet so that i can just put in the project number in the metadata sheet so…
Control Center Automation Ability to Trigger Document Sets Specific to Project Category
We would like the ability for Control Center automation to be configurable to trigger different document sets based on the category selected in the project intake sheet. For instance, if the new project request is Category 1, we would like to trigger a set of reports and sheets specific to Category 1. If the new project…
Smartsheet Automation Email - Sender
I've set my automations to Send from Smartsheet Automation. Some emails are right and others still show they are from the sheet owner. The emails are from the same automation. Does anyone know why it does not consistently work?