Resource Management
Hi all With the news from May this year about SS acquiring 10,000 ft, I was hoping for some enhanced functionality in Resource Management. Could anyone let me know when this might be rolled out? Many thanks
Indefinite Lag Times?
Hi, I am trying to set up some predecessor relationships between tasks that don't have a definite lag time associated with it. I just need the relationship to require Task A to wrap up before Task B. Task B doesn't need to start immediately after Task A is done, but it CAN NOT start before. For example, I am doing a…
Gantt chart representation on Dashboards
I know how to make a report so that I can show a timeline in a dashboard. The strange thing is that the Gantt chart does not show dependencies or % complete, even if I include those columns. Is this something that should work currently or something that has not yet been implmented? Also, "Dashboards" does not appear to be…
Gannt Chart - multiple milestones on the same row
I want to set up a recurring set of weekly meetings over a 3 year project on a single row. So far the only way I see to do this is to have a separate row for each meeting....painful. I can do a roll-up, but it graphically shows as a continous bar. Preference would be a series of diamonds (milestones). Any ideas? Much…
Gant Chart Timeline in minutes/hours
Can i show my giant chart in minutes/hours rather than days?
I need a better way to print/share Gantt charts
Hi, I frequently need to share Gantt charts - in project reports, presentations, proposals, etc. I find capturing the Gantts a real challenge. I know how to print them, but it often spans several pages and is essentially unreadable. I know how to make it fit to one page, but with the grid lines, it's pretty hard on the…
Export Entire Folder to pdf and include gantt charts
Hello, I like how the feature to export an individual sheet to a pdf view gantt chart view. However, if you try to export several sheets from one folder, the gantt charts will not show. I would like the ability to export all sheets into one document that will display gantt information. Thanks in advance on possible…
Don't delete predecessor when moving later task
FYI (I've submitted a feature request for this) I have two tasks, A and B. A must be done before B. I mark A as a predecessor of B. But, a change request happened which is forcing me to move B to start a full month later. Moving B's start and end date forces the deletion of the predecessor indicator. Even though there is…
Gantt Print Problem - Can't choose columns to print
Anybody having problems with their "non-licensed" users not being able to select the columns to print in a Gantt view? The "edit" button for selecting columns to print no longer works. I'm wondering if the recent software update has broken this functionality.. We receive an error that says "An error has occurred in the…
Critical Path Indicator
Are there any options in Smartsheet that would allow me to understand in the Grid View if a task is on Critical Path? Is there a Column type? Formula? etc...? or some type of flag beside just the color of the Gantt bar in the Gantt view? We are trying to filter our projects for Critical Path tasks and our only workaround…