Share Dynamic View to Email Address
Hello, I have added the email address for a specific Dynamic View I would like for them to access. Now what? How do I point them towards the Dynamic View so they can gain access and see it? Does Smartsheets send them an invite email automatically? How does this work?
Sharing segments of a Form's responses
I am looking to share only select results of a Form using a Report, but, in order to do so, it appears that I would need to provide access to the initial Form results. Is there a way to avoid doing that so that the person cannot see all of the form's results (i.e. departments other than her own)? The Report doesn't…
Please develop the ability to share Pivot and Datamesh configs. It is difficult for me to support my users when I cannot access their Pivot and Datamesh configs. Also, it makes it more convenient in training users when they can see what I built as examples. I realize I can transfer the config, but that is not always the…
Shared sheet to a user who just upgraded to Windows 10
This might be unrelated to the Windows 10 update, but it happened at the same time. In Chrome, she can no longer see some of the drop downs on a sheet that has been shared to her for quite some time. We have tested other sheets and she can see drop downs in them. The sheet is shared to her as an Editor. Any advice?
Limit to Shares for Admin and Editors w/o Subscription
Hi Smartsheet Community, I do not have a paid subscription but was set up as an Admin for a sheet. I had only shared it with 2 people before it sent me a message that I had exceeded the number of email recipients that I could share with. Is this accurate? Do "editors" with sharing privileges have more shares that admin?…
Hide email addresses when sharing page
Hello, we have a dashboard that we want share among different groups but in our testing, we saw that the email notification notes the various emails that are included. Is there a way to hide these email aliases? Since these are different groups, we don't want their emails to be shared among each other.
Protecting Folders From Admins In Workspace
I have template folders in a Workspace that either gets edited or deleted by Admins. I cant make them editors because then they cannot make folders and edit other documents that they need to work with. Is there a way to make it so certain folders can be protected? Thanks!
How to create 2-way sharing across sheets?
Hi, I am trying to make certain cells accessible for 2 way sharing. Is there a function like cell-linking that is available 2-ways? There is some financial data but mostly personnel/task and resources. Thank you, Esperanza
How Do I Remove Myself from Shared Sheets?
I have sheets shared with me that I no longer need to use and clutter up my "Shared" folder. How can I remove myself from them? All I've been able to find is information on removing people if you're the sheet owner, not if it's been shared with you.
Collaborator Name not Recognised When Trying to Apply a Filter in Activity Log
Hi, when looking at the activity log for one of my sheets I can see the names of the collaborators the sheet has been shared to. However, when I try to filter on one of the collaborators I'm met with the error message "Unknown User Entered". It doesn't matter if I use their christian name, christian name & surname, or full…