Capturing a Total Count to display in a Dashboard
I am trying to capture the total number of active projects found in a specific Workspace. Each project is its own, separate, SmartSheet. The way I am able to do this now is by manually creating a Formula (COUNTIF({Proj Name Range 1}, "Yes"),in a separate SmartSheet, and then creating a Metric Widget within the Dashboard to…
Protecting Folders From Admins In Workspace
I have template folders in a Workspace that either gets edited or deleted by Admins. I cant make them editors because then they cannot make folders and edit other documents that they need to work with. Is there a way to make it so certain folders can be protected? Thanks!
Counting physical inventory while removing duplication...
I'm trying to count the number of unique pieces of equipment that are on my worksite. Each unit has a specific Unit Number listed in a sheet. Units that are On-Site are indicated by a green dot in another column. The tricky part for me is, some of these Unit Numbers have multiple work orders which are listed on another…
Can I apply conditional formatting to a Workspace?
I have over 30 sheets (and growing daily), in a workspace. What is the quickest way to apply the same conditional formatting to every sheet?
Copying Workspaces with Dashboards
We have a workspace with several sheets and dashboards. We want to copy this workspace for each incident we activate for. Is there a way to have the links within each dashboard automatically update to the workspace/sheet location? Currently we have to go into each dashboard and update the links - very tedious. We are using…
Sheet ownership was transferred without a request
I believe there was a side effect to a mistake I did. Our structure is one workspace for all of our projects, with each project in a separate folder. I mistakenly removed sharing of my coworkers at the sheet level that were shared at the work space level. When I did this it removed their access from the entire workspace.…
Why can't I create a folder in a Workspace I am assigned to edit when I have a Full License?
Basically that. I have been assigned to Edit several Workspaces, and have been given a full Smartsheets License, but I still cannot create folders in Workspaces. Does anyone know how to correct this or what access I would need to a Workspace in order to create folders in it?
User moved folders and sheets to new folder and that move changed all sheet ownerships
Workspace owner can't be removed if they own sheets or dashboards in the workspace. Please ensure all sheets or DB they own are transferred to another owner. It was alot of sheets - is there no bulk way to correct this? The person that moved all the folders/sheets is not the owner of the sheets.
Getting Started Tutorial for Customers
We have built out a 'project portal' of sorts made of up several sheets, reports, and dashboards. I'm looking for anyone who has done the same and/or built a 'getting started guide' for customers to understand how the project will be managed utilizing all these components (information, status, collaborations, etc.). Anyone…
Row edit feature and sheets
Is there anyone that would be willing to work with me on the phone to work through this issue: I've created a sheet that has over 40 columns - it's my "master" sheet that feeds a bunch of reports that will be utilized by different areas. One of the areas prefers to work in the edit form to see the information vertically…