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[GIVEAWAY] Win 1 seat to a Multi-Day Smartsheet University course



  • As a mosaic artist I love taking mosaic classes from Mosaic Art On-Line. Since I purchased the classes I can retake them as often as I wish, especially while I am making what they are teaching. Recently I took a Mosaic Collage Class and can't wait to try out a few of the ideas this weekend.

  • ITIL because the instructor was really enthusiastic and even provided us with a study guide for the exam.

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    My favorite "course?" The ice dance/ice skating classes I took as an adult. My kids were in the program, and adults got a big discount, so I went all in. I learned so much about myself, about concentration, focussing on the things that matter -- I had a strong IT career up to that point, and felt like I had good skill sets for my work, but those classes pushed me mentally to a new place, and brought some newer ways of approaching problems and challenges, especially when working with a partner in ice dance -- communication, focus, relying on someone else... great stuff!

  • Employee

    Oh I LOVE this @Pauline J! I'm a dancer but not on ice (whew I'd fall on my face in a second) so I am immensely impressed with you. I feel like dancing also naturally teaches mental toughness - there will be some days where you're feeling frustrated and not at your best, but you just have to push through and understand that those days are just as important as the good days.

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    My favorite course was a Music Business class with Berklee College of Music. Touched on cool history and made me see and appreciate music and concerts better.

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    Hi. One of my favorite courses was around listening skills. I was looking for something (pre Smartsheet) that I can improve on and when I took an assessment during the course I uncovered a real growth opportunity. Thanks for the opportunity to recall and to continue practicing: the importance of paraphrasing to understand, mirroring, asking open ended questions, effective pauses, and emotion labeling. 

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    I did not know about this. I will be taking this course. Thank you @kowal

  • Employee

    @rkokora Did you take Music Business 101? I took the online version at Berklee and loved it! 🎶

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    Loved my Microbiology class in college! In addition to an engaging and fun professor, we got to make sauerkraut and wine, and had a sauerkraut and wine-tasting picnic at the end of the semester. ...I would normally not recommend combining those things, but we had a great time!

    (My wine was so, so, so bad, though. haha!)

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    Yes! I still have my notes from that class, it was great! I need to take more classes like these as a hobby :D

  • For me, it was the computer science classes in the year 2000 while we all were learning to cope up with the new technology and I had never thought of making a career around it. Currently enjoying being in the technical space and still learning the new applications and softwares. 

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    CPR class. Amazing to think a few hours of education (and my time) could safe a life someday.

    I pray it's education I never need to use.

  • Employee

    I love this, small world! John Kellogg was my professor and I always think of him saying, "The problem isn't a problem until it's a problem" and that changed my life.

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    I loved organic chemistry in college. Not doing any of that now but I loved it.

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    I used to work for a national veterinary professional association that offered several training courses for members. I enjoyed taking the Leadership Development series because it covered things like DISC and client communication. I never realized how difficult it is to run a veterinary practice and some of the unfortunate/challenging situations that come up in this field. I have such a respect for all members of veterinary practices! They don't have easy jobs.

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