Filter Smartsheet notifications by Unread
Allow users to filter Smartsheet notifications by Unread. I came back from vacation and have lots of notifications. It is a pain scrolling past the new notifications to the older ones I want to review. Add "Show unread" option at the location of the yellow highlight. Neil
Document Builder Tracking column?
I'm making a conditional checking but during the mapping process, I'm asked to specified a column on where to send it. Since I'm having 2 different columns: "Created By" & "Contact List", I can only specify one (since one person is needed to sign). So I'm creating 2 document builder based on the same template but each…
Is there any way to select only specific columns to be included in alert messages that are sent out
Is there any way to select only specific columns to be included in alert messages that are sent out using the SmartSheet Automation feature? Currently, I set up an alert. And it displays all of the columns, even if I hide certain columns in the sheet. I'd like to be able to select which columns are sent and included as…
Inconsistent Alerts for comments made
Hi, We would like to have alerts being sent out when someone adds a comment. There is a workflow that I believe should cover this, but am finding that it doesn't always work/trigger. I have 8 people accessing the sheet and have an alert for each person, 6 with the same settings. To me the 6 people should always get an…
Alert on Attachment Upload
Is there any way to run an automation or an alert when a file is uploaded to a row? Is there any way to run an automation or alert when a row is missing an attachment? The only work around we've found so far is to put in a check box that must be checked when the file is uploaded, but we are hoping to automate that process…
I'm the owner of a number of sheets and used to be able to email forms, but can no longer do so.
I have been able to create a number of forms and I used to be able to send email notifications to people to complete them. However, I can no longer seem to send the emails although I can share a link. We are on a business subscription and I'm the owner of these sheets.
Can a single event trigger multiple notifications to different people?
I've created an intake form for new procurements. I've set up one automation to notify one group based on a condition and a different group if that condition is not met. I would also like to receive the notification myself and also have it routed to my supervisor, for each new item submitted through the form, regardless of…
Add Email Distribution Lists Functionality to Contact Columns & Workflows
Our team and company use email distribution lists frequently, so it would be incredibly useful to be able to assign an email distribution list to a contact column and workflows so all members on that list would be notified accordingly.
Dashboard - Embedding links to email addresses
I've seen some past posts on this topic but have not gotten the workaround to work and was hoping that there may be progress on a solution. At the 2020 Engage event, I saw a beautiful dashboard that had images and email links under a title: contacts. I'm trying to create the same on my dashboard. Any help or update? This…
Creating Formulas for Status, and Task Health to send Email Notifications
Hello, Everyone I need help with my syntax on some formulas and sending email notifications. • Status ○ If the %Complete is 0%, Status = Not Started ○ If the %Complete is between 1%-99%, Status = In Progress ○ If the %Complete is 100% = Complete § Questions: What if the task is no longer needed? In MS Project, we would…