I need help and suggestions for creating following sheets:
Hello Community, We would like to create sheets, which will be working for the following functions and trigger the right authority on time: 1. Perform monthly vendor scorecards 2.Have an approved vendor commodity matrix that can be shared with our employees 3. Use for monthly OTD vendor ratings 4. Reminders for ISO and…
Widget to another Dashboard
Can I create a widget on a dashboard that will link to another dashboard?
Editing multiple sheets at once
Hi, I've been working with over 50 sheets in a workspace. Each sheet contains info of a different country. Now if I make a change in one of the columns in a sheet, I have to replicate the change in each of the files individually. Is there a way to make a change across the same column in all the sheets at once? Any help…
Workspace Collaborator Role
Hello, I'm wondering if we set up a user as "Editor - cannot share" role in a workspace, is he/she able to share any file to people who have been added in workspace? It happened to me that one of user as "Editor cannot share", he went into a file (shared sheet) and accidently clicked on "share" top right corner. All the…
Filter by color
Is it possible to filter a column by color? We use visual management extensively for some of our larger enterprise projects and filtering by color is helpful. I didn't see a way, not sure if there was a "trick".
Creating Links between Workspaces
Is it possible to link a Smartsheet file/report etc. to another Smartsheet file located in a different Workspace? e.g. Creating a link in the PMO workspace from Policy workspace.
Creating a Master Project List and Dashboard
Hello, I would like some help in designing a Master Project List, and a Master Project Executive Summary Dashboard. We have a Roadmap that contains each functional area's main projects/initiatives. Is there a way I can build a formula to have all the information from each road map combined into one Master Roadmap... Which…
Workspace Shares - API (cURL) Error 1004 - Not Authorized to Perform This Action - 403 Forbidden
Hi all, I'm getting following error when trying to GET a list of workspace shares (GET /workspaces/{workspaceId}/shares) "errorCode": 1004, "message": "You are not authorized to perform this action." The same happens when trying to GET a specific workspace share (GET /workspaces/{workspaceId}/shares/{shareId}) Following…
Formulas in Workspaces
A few questions: I recently transferred over some sheets to a workspace area and when I did, it appears that it cleared out any formulas or automation from those sheets. Is that how it should work? Did I not transfer it correctly? Since all my formulas are now gone, i've manually tried a few times to enter the formula that…
More customizable/specific sharing options
Hello all, I'm new to Smartsheet and am discovering the limitations when it comes to sharing. First, I'm surprised that sharing folders isn't possible. I understand that Workspaces are intended to make up for this but I guess what I'm lacking is the ability to choose specifically what I share within a workspace. What I'm…