Linking Data

Storm Saul
edited 12/09/19 in Smartsheet Basics

I need help linking data from one sheet to another. I need the data to update real time, so that should a salesman update a projects, or ad another project in that satisfies certain requirements, the data automatically updates in real time on the linked page for my operations team. Reports will not work for this.Reports are a great tool but unfortunately i cannot add/edit data in a report. The way I've set our system to work is that every salesman has an input sheet that they put project data into. These sheets hold all of the project data, i have built several dashboards and reports that read the data out of these input sheets and show the relevant data for who they are built for. I now want to incorporate operations into the mix. Id like to link the data that the salesmen input into operations sheets. This way we can avoid inputting the same data twice. The operations team needs the base data (project address, contact info, projects data such as manufacturer and system type) to show up, but i need to add additional columns to this data that they can then manipulate (construction phase, assigned superintendent, assigned foreman, close out details etc.). A report will show the base data but will not allow me to add columns etc as far as i know for the ops team to manipulate. Does anyone have a suggestion on this? 
