Question re: image attachments when using Smartsheet for Outlook Add-in
I use the add-in and whenever i am moving an email to Smartsheet, it automatically selects all images in addition to any PDF or other attachment. My signature line contains 6 images and so every time i add something through the add-in, it tries to pull these same 6 images. I must de-select them each time. So here's the…
Feature recommendation - edit description on multiple files
I just uploaded several files to a row and went to edit the description and was surprised to find that I can't select multiple files and edit the description and have it apply to all selected files. Unless I missed the method somewhere, that would be a nice feature. Thanks.
File Upload from Customers
We have recently started using smartsheet to organise our print jobs and workflow through the production line. I am curious to know if a customer that doesnt use smartsheet can upload artwork into our sheet? Can we send them an upload link where customers can upload their artwork (PDF) into their specific row on the sheet?…
How do I attach one smartsheet to another?
Hello, I am trying to place an entire Smartsheet page as an attachment in another page for quick referencing. Upon selecting to attach a document by click and dragging into the provided window or uploading from computer, Onedrive, etc; I am not able to drag a complete Smartsheet page into the box, nor is uploading from…
Exporting/Backing up Smartsheets with Attachments that are Linked to the Rows they were Attached to
Hi, When I do backup of my Smartsheets, all of my files that were attached to any rows are saved to a separate folder. That's fine, but my problem is, I don't know which rows those files were attached to. I need to find a way of linking files to the original rows that the files were attached to. Is there a way to backup my…
Automatically send latest attachment
I would like to be able to set something up that, when a field is checked, the latest attachment (or at least a link to the attaschents for that row) gets sent to "contact in column"
Attachment Library
Anyway, the same attachment can be selected to be attached to a row in another sheet. This is a common problem. We run projects, and upload files to the project sheet. But each project could have several sheets. And the same attachment is required on other sheets as well. Is there a way to have a central area for…
Rename Attachments / Sort by Date Order of Document?
Good afternoon, I am working in a Smartsheet and the order of attachments (by date) is very important. I need the attachments to be in the order that the documents were modified last, not the date that the documents were attached. If an attachment is missed and you actually want things in date order, you have to remove and…
Is there a way to add attachments to individual fields?
I am working my way through a spreadsheet horizontally and adding the relative attachments to the attachments section to the left of the spreadsheet and labeling them with the same name as the column so I know which is which. My questions is, is there a way to just attach the attachment in the individual field that it's…