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One of the main smartsheets we have is for scheduling. We have the parent and children tasks. The parent has a "Build Order" and all the tasks have that same build order but then have task numbers associated. This allows us to change the build order as we need by sorting the sheet by build order then task number (the main…
I frequently use Dynamic View and love how I'm able to easily grant access to my client company's whole domain so we don't have to worry about managing individual users since they have thousands of employees. I can't seem to find the same permission feature for WorkApps? Is there a way to make a WorkApp available to any…
Hello all, Can we change permissions for a folder inside the Workspace? We have given Editor access to the workspace to some people and we would like for those to change their permission to Commenter for the folder we have created. How could we achieve this?
Hello all, As I've read in Smartsheet Articles, the only roles that can change column layout are Owners and Admins. However, in one of our workspaces, we noticed an Editor changing the order of the columns in a Sheet. Are we missing something and is this expected behavior? If no, what can we do to fix this? We don't want…
Hello Community, I have a dashboard that I allow a team to view. Each team has their own book of business, and I want them to be able to see how much money they have available in an easy way. I calculate it with formulas on the back end, and want to provide it in the existing dashboard. Is there a way I can restrict…
The ability to have permissions be set on a per-sheet basis within a workspace.
Hello, I am trying to create multiple grid view for multiple users. For example I work in an organization with two departments, department one needs to access the grid sheet and update col1, col2, col3 ( and only view these columns ) For department two, they need to access the grid sheet and update col4,col5,col6 ( and…
Hello! I am looking for a little advice on the best way to approach an issue. We use Smartsheet to store numerous project plans in various workspaces for each customer. We then combine the data - like progress status - to create reports that go up to leadership. We are also being asked to create a means for our customers…