Is there a formula/function to help count number of children assigned to specific parent tasks?
Hi all, I'm trying to put together a table that lists the number of sub-tasks (children) in each respective Workstream (parent) of a specific Project Plan, and also breaks these down into their respective Health Status (Green, Yellow, Red). I am aware that I can apply a "COUNTIF" formula and set the range to encompass the…
=average of more than one criteria
=AVG(COLLECT([Closing Date]:[Closing Date], "", [Days ago]:[Days ago], (Category:Category, "Purchasing"))) Good Morning I'm trying to average the closing date of a row but i also want to itemize the closing dates by category. no sure what I'm doing wrong, new user
Numbers separate by commas read as thousands
I have ONE cell with various numbers/text that users get to input via a form. The input varies from all numbers separated by commas or can have some text as well. If it is just numbers separated by commas and there are no spaces in between those numbers and commas then cell is read as number. I need some sort of a way /…
Time Tracking - Hours and Minutes
I was working on a way to track some task hours and minutes... came up with this: One of the problems I ran into is that if you put "00" (double-ought) or any minute with a preceding zero, it would error. You can see the work-around I made, not the most elegant, I admit.. If Smartsheet could ignore preceding zeros, it…
Two criteria to enter text into a cell - automation not working - use formula instead
Hi! I need to have text entered into a cell based on two criteria: a cell being completed and another cell being a date in the past. I have tried automation and it's not working. Maybe because I have formulas in the cells I'm referencing? This formula is not working: =IF(AND([TCP Deadline]1 < TODAY(), ISBLANK[Date…
Is there a way to have a column formula automatically change for each month of the year?
I am tracking financials and we have two important numbers coming out of a row across 12 columns labeled by month. The first number is the "forecast at completion". Its a simple sum of all 12 columns, regardless of it being past of future month. The second number is the "forecast to completion" which is the sum of only the…
Automation not working as intended
Hi all, I have a sheet in which I'm tracking installation dates of equipment (outside vendor) and have automation to fire off to ensure the necessary pieces all fall in line (in house), within a timely manner. However, something must have changed in the last couple of weeks, because it's fallen on its face and I'm having…
Conditional Formatting between 2 different Sheets
Hello, I am looking for an option to have a conditioning rule in one sheet and once changes, it triggers a format change in another sheet? I saw this question came up in 2016 and the support team said they will pass on as an enhancement request. Can be done now? Thanks!
How to convert a formula on a column formula by doing absolute reference
Hi, I would like to do some calculation on the same sheet that I am recolting data, I have a recolting data culumns : Culumn 2 and i would like to multiply the Culumn 2 with a fix value on Column 3 I am using a simple formula Culumn 4 =([Colonne2]@row * [Colonne3]@row) , how to fix the culumn3 value and convert it on a…
Help with Formula
Please help! I've been struggling with this for a while. I'm trying to get a formula to return "Yes" or "No" based on several variables. If the start date is less than today and status is 0-Backlog, Yes End date is less than today + 30 and status is not equal to 4-Closed, Yes Start date is less than today + 30 and status…