Automation not working as intended
Hi all, I have a sheet in which I'm tracking installation dates of equipment (outside vendor) and have automation to fire off to ensure the necessary pieces all fall in line (in house), within a timely manner. However, something must have changed in the last couple of weeks, because it's fallen on its face and I'm having…
Conditional Formatting between 2 different Sheets
Hello, I am looking for an option to have a conditioning rule in one sheet and once changes, it triggers a format change in another sheet? I saw this question came up in 2016 and the support team said they will pass on as an enhancement request. Can be done now? Thanks!
How to convert a formula on a column formula by doing absolute reference
Hi, I would like to do some calculation on the same sheet that I am recolting data, I have a recolting data culumns : Culumn 2 and i would like to multiply the Culumn 2 with a fix value on Column 3 I am using a simple formula Culumn 4 =([Colonne2]@row * [Colonne3]@row) , how to fix the culumn3 value and convert it on a…
Help with Formula
Please help! I've been struggling with this for a while. I'm trying to get a formula to return "Yes" or "No" based on several variables. If the start date is less than today and status is 0-Backlog, Yes End date is less than today + 30 and status is not equal to 4-Closed, Yes Start date is less than today + 30 and status…
=[Sheet Column]@row = "" not working (from Date type)
So I have a Last Updated column that is a Date type, then I created a temp column just to test this where I apply the formula [Last Updated]@row + "" to a cell in temp and i just get the same value I have in Last Updated. I've tried changing the column type for temp to both Date and Text/Number
Calculate Health for all tiers of a project based on hierarchy, Status, Dates, Percentage Complete
I have a project with the following hierarchy: I would like the Project Name health to calculate based on the average the Project Stage Health I would like the Project Stage health to calculate based on the average the Milestone Health I would like the Milestone health to calculate based on the average the Task Item Health…
Countifs Parent rown
I have a countifs formula =COUNTIFS({DO VSD Workstream Action Plan Range 4}, $WorkStream@row, {DO VSD Workstream Action Plan Range 1}, "Complete", {DO VSD Workstream Action Plan Range 2}, 0) But in front of the first criteria I only want to count the rows with same parent row I've tried =COUNTIFS(Parent({DO VSD Workstream…
Recurring date workflow help
Hi, I have a sheet that has task, start and end dates, and assigned person (as well as a few other columns). I also have a 'recurring date' column. This sheet contains tasks that are done twice a year. I would love to set up a workflow to alert the 'assigned to' person 2 weeks before the start date. But I also want to…
Issues with Importing and/or Copy/Pasting in Numbers
Hello. I am having a bit of a challenge with bringing numbers into smartsheet, and its an issue that isn't constant across all of my sheets which is what has me stumped. I need to copy/past in numbers each week to (2) different sheets from (2) different excel sources. When I copy/paste in from excel sheet #1, the numbers…
How to count when you have multiple crteria in 2 different columns you are trying to capture?
=COUNTIFS("[Interested Volunteer Role]12:[Interested Volunteer Role]85, "Vaccinator (Clinical)", [Interested Volunteer Role]14:[Interested Volunteer Role]82, "Dunkin Donuts Park-Hartford, CT 11/14/21 (Dose 1); 10am-4pm") So for example if they chose they want to be a Vaccinator (Clinical) but can only help on one date…