Assigna mail adress automaticly
Hi there ; İ would like to get your advices about below issue , i have a column that i enter names ( colum name "Responsible") , near responsible column there is one column too (colum name "mail adresses" ) , is it possible that when i enter person name , mail adress will be written automaticly , these people that i add to…
Formula to chose 1 value from the range, mentioned in one cell
There is a cell with number of activities, related to accountable people. Plese see screenshot #1 attached. This cell reffers to "Accoutable" column in other SmartSheet table. See screenshot #2. The problem is "Accontable" column in intitial sheet contains more then 1 Accontable person's names. Formula, I used:…
Formula to keep Date when another date column is blank
Hi, I am trying to create a formula that will keep the existing date in the cell if another column is blank and if there is a date then I want to add 365 days to the other column and return it in my NEXT CONTACT DATE cell =IF(TODAY@row, "", [NEXT CON TACT DATE]@row, IF(TODAY@row, TODAY@row + 365)) My Column Headers are:…
How to refer to Parent of another column
Hi - I need to create a summary column for all the children rows, that draws on various parent columns and builds them into 1 string. eg Builder, PO, Site Supervisor, Mobile This would be displayed on each child row, for each of my tasks so that it can be easily displayed in reports. Thank you.
How do I count the number of fields that have 2 variables in a column?
This is Talent Acquisition report. I'm trying to count the number of positions that are under Digital Technology or Polaris DT that are in "Sourcing/Recruiting" status. "Sourcing/Recruiting" is one of the selections in the Recruiting Status Column. And Digital Technology and Polaris DT are options in the BRAND column. I…
How to sum up multiple costs in same cell?
Hi, I have created this form where I am able to input multiple items in a same cell. However, I want to sum up the multiple quantity of the same cell. Is there any formula or function I am able to do so? Or is it possible to split the different item to different row but form ID remains the same?
Prepopulate a form field (Dropdown contact list) via a link to the form
A form is made available to users via a link. The users are in a contact list drop down field on the form. Is it possible to pre-populate the field (contact list drop down) with the users contact list info when the user clicks on the form link? Is it necessary to require the user to login to smartsheet to accomplish this?
Populate data from one sheet to another and sort
I have a one sheet that data is entered based on a form. Its day by day per what an person enters. I would like that row data to transfer to another sheet and in that sheet I want it to populate under that persons #. I've tried formulas and i only get 1 column to transfer, i need the entire row to transfer.
Downloading Activity Logs
Has anyone had any issues receiving downloads of the activity log for a sheet? I have successfully received the emails from Smartsheet including links to the associated zip file for a range of dates (7/9-9/10), but if I try any range larger I don't receive any email notification. Is this a known issue??
Index Match Match Failure
Hi, I am having trouble with an INDEX, MATCH, MATCH formula. Basically what I want to do is say. If the PROCUREMENT COUNTRY and the DIV @ROW match then return the PROCUREMENT MANAGER from the DIVISION ASSIGNMENT BREAKDOWN sheet. =INDEX({DIVISION ASSIGNMENT BREAKDOWN Range 2}, MATCH([PROCUREMENT COUNTRY]@row, {DIVISION…