Importing Spreadsheets with Vlookup from Excel
Is it possible to import a spreadsheet (with a few sheets in it) which has Vlookup and other formulas? Doesnt anyone has done it? I have just signed in for a free trial... it looks like I have to do all the hard work again in terms of formulas (in special Vlookup)... if so, see little benefit in using this. regards, Jandir
Payroll Breakup
Hello, I have pay dates on the 15th and the last day each month. A person may be contracted for say 21 days and that pay needs to be parsed out depending on what days that employee worked in that time period. I am having a hard time coming up with an equation for each pay-period cell. Pay, 1/15, 1/31, 2/15....
Formula to calculate the amount of time between two dates
I'm trying to use the below formula to calculate the amount of days between when a project is due, and when it was actually finished. Sometimes this will be earlier than the due date, sometimes after. =NETWORKDAYS([Delivery Date]98, [Power Approval]98) When the dates are the same, I'd expect the result of zero. But it…
Countif multiple criteria and date
I am trying to get a formula to do a COUNTIFS based on multiple criteria, but also that one of the date columns is greater then a specific date. The formula I'm currently using is: =COUNTIFS({BDDM}, "=Amanda", {Appt}, "<>") What is the best way for Smartsheet to read a date greater then, in a column titled Date. Thanks in…
Adding a space between 2 vlookup functions
Hi All, How can you add a space between 2 vlookup functions? Here's the formula: =VLOOKUP(Alias247, {Pilot Data Base Range 4}, 3, false) + VLOOKUP(Alias247, {Pilot Data Base Range 4}, 2, false) This will show First_NameLast_Name. Thanks!
Need to set a date with formula whenever new task is entered
Hi. Among the other columns i have 2 columns named "Task Name" and "Start Date". What i would like to create now, is whenever new line is entered to "Task Name", the current date will appear automatically to "Start Date" row and date should remain as date when task was entered. I tried following: =IF([Task Name]5 > "0";…
More functionality for for rules
The rules feature is nice but it is very limited and only allows to change things from different fonts, colors, strikeouts, etc. I would like a rule that allowed more detailed changes. For example, if column a says completed, changed column L to 100%. There are many different scenarios. We are unable to use the…
Spreadsheet Filters vs Report Filters
I have a text column that has formulas and conditional formatting already added to it preventing me from changing the column type to a dropdown list. It is spread across several years of spreadsheets making a larger conversion to a list time consuming. I have a request for Report Filters to have the drop down list similar…
Could I refer a cell as part of the sheet name in functions?
I have a column with different carriers such as "AT&T" and "Verizon". And in the following column is a complicated nested functions, and part of it is doing search depending on the carrier name. For example, for the row "AT&T", I want search in the sheet named "ABC AT&T". For "Verizon", I want to search in the sheet named…
IF And
Good Day, I need so assistance, I am trying to do the following I want to change my Project stoplight Status Column (RYGB ball) to yellow if the following condition is met if my "# of Days" column is > 138 and my "% Complete" column is < 50% Here is my If condition - =IF(AND(([# of Days]2 > 138, ([% Complete]2 < 50)),…