Is there a way to optimize drop down menus?
hello i am trying to have certain values only show when someone chooses one value. here's an example: Entity 1 Entity 2 Entity 3 Now based on those three entity there would be a seperate drop down menu with 10 items: Item 1 item 2 item 3 item 4 Ext... But if i choose entity 1 then only item 2 and 7 show but if i choose…
Task Health Formula - Color Ball
In our project plans we have child level task health and then parent level task health in the same column, indicated by a color ball. Previously, we had separate formulas for each level, but I have been working with Pro Desk to implement a formula that will work for all levels and can be a column formula. We are so close…
Display date from different row in same sheet
I have a Smartsheet with employee names, email and hire date. Approximately every year employees are required to upload an updated resume, using a form to populate the sheet. On that new row created by the form, the hire date is blank because employees can't be counted on to remember the correct date. We want to use the…
Need help with a SUM/LEFT formula
I need a formula that will add the 1st number in different cells in a row. So in the below picture, there will be different numbers in these cells, with text behind it. At the end of the row I would like to add all these numbers together and get an overall score. Here is the SUM formula I have, just need to know how to…
IF/AND/OR formula with different return values
I have created the following formula to calculate the remaining duration of a task: =IF(AND([Start Date]@row <= TODAY(), [End Date]@row >= TODAY()), NETWORKDAYS(TODAY(),[End Date]@row), 0) I would like to be able to add an additional components that allows me to return different values if the Start Date and End Date are in…
How to update available qty on an inventory tracker?
Hi! I'm creating an inventory tracker and I want the "ITEMS AVAILABLE" column to keep updating as we reorder and sell items. I'm also creating two apps in AppSheet, one to make orders to suppliers and another to sell items, so both "ITEM REORDER QTY" and "SOLD ITEMS" column's values will come from other sheets which…
Help! Checking a Box depending on matching information from other sheets
Hi there! I'm hoping you can help me solve a problem which I'm having trouble getting my head around. We have two sheets: 1 - School Invoices Sheets, with columns: a) 'School Name' (Text column) b) 'Type of Invoice' (with drop down options: '[1st] Pre-Delivery' and '[2nd] Delivery' c) '[Check 3] Approved' (This is a check…
If, Then formula for drop down columns
I am trying to create an IF/THEN formula that automatically changes the value of fields in one column drop down if other values are selected in a different column. Ex. =IF([Sub-Step]@row = "Research", [Support Stage]@row = "Discover") First row --> what I'd like to see happen (manually typed in) Second row --> tried using…
Hi, I'm trying to identify the # of request types by a specific job title. The source of the data is on another sheet. The formulas I have tried so far have been producing zero as a result (which I know is incorrect based on the source data). =SUMIFS({Request Type}, {Request Type}, ="Initiative / Project", {BranchJF},…
Discrepancy in Filters
Hi there! I have a smartsheet where I am trying to report on numbers by quarter, and then numbers by total year, as well as some other filters. However, the numbers are just NOT adding up. I have tried both by filtering through a report and filtering through the smartsheet itself. E.g. I have run individual reports on Q1,…