How to write formula that states how many open tasks a person has based on another field being blank
I am still learning Smartsheet and formulas so please bear with me lol... I am trying to show in the Sheet Summary report that counts the number of open tasks each one of our validation engineering techs have. Ideally I want to this information to be pulled from the column [Validation Tech/Engineer] and the # of open tasks…
Helper Column not being recognised as a date
Hi, I'm using Data Shuffle to import a report generated from another system into an excel sheet into Smartsheets. However, on the date on the report also has a time stamp. Which Smartsheets doesn't like, so I've used a helper column to generate the date without the time stamp. By using the following formula:…
If Function
Hello, I'm trying to use the IF function, if column "Type Of Request" is "SCRAP" to automatically insert a negative sign into the "Value" column in front of the number. If it's something other than "SCRAP" then to leave the number alone. Maybe I'm just overthinking it a little too much.
Help with IF Statement with multiple SUMIFS
Hello, I am trying to sum up a range of data from two spreadsheets based on the same criteria. Here is my formula which is throwing an #UNPARSABLE error and I cannot understand why =IF(SUMIFS({Advertising Total Cost}, {Hardi}, =$Region$1, {Year}, =2021, {Month}, =[OCT-21]$1, {contract}, =CATEGORY@row) AND(SUMIFS({misc…
Modified Date
Looking for some assistance...so I am using the Modified Date column in one of my sheets and then using that to identify non-updated/aged rows however there is something in my sheet that is resetting or refreshing each of the rows on a daily basis even when I know there hasn't been a manual update to all the rows...could…
Autofill Dropdown Menu
Hi all to formula geeks! I am looking for a formula to fill in automatically the Day 1 (Badge Code) drop down column. If any of the 4 columns of different conferences Oct 26 (in light yellow) contains "1", then the Day 1 (Badge Code) Column will autofill with the corresponding badge code/s. Multiple badge codes are…
Decrement a funding total
Hello all you formula wizards ~ I'm down to the last test of a travel request module and I realize my formula is not working correctly so I'm looking for some guidance. I have an intake sheet where requests are submitted, then reviewed and approved, which moves the data to another sheet for further approvals. I need to be…
Why my workflow won't send to two contacts
Hi there, I have set up an automation for alerting a manager when a task date is moved out or a task is completed. At times I need to add more than one contact. When I test with two contacts, only one of them receives the alert. Both contacts are in the "Mentor" field What am I doing wrong?
Ignoring Blank fields on a Pass or Fail UAT sheet
Hi All, I have a sheet i am building for user acceptance testing of a program. We have various differing numbers of steps per test, and need to combine these steps with an overall pass or fail. As we have some tests that have Statuses that are blank i need my formula to ignore the blanks and "Pass" them, it would only fail…
Formula reference in IF statement unparseable or invalid operation.
I have a column called [Limitation]. If that column has the value B1.3 in it, the [Reference] column should return "3", otherwise "NA". I am using =IF([Limitation]:[Limitation] = "B1.3", "3", "NA") It seems like it is right, but it's unparseable. Any ideas? I will add that =IF([Limitation]1="B1.3","3","NA") works just…