A Contains function to find at least one option from a multi select column
I am using this formula =COUNTIF({Activities}, CONTAINS(Activity@row, @cell)) to count if a column in another sheet has a specific activity. Both columns are multi-select and if there's a single activity in the Activity@row, it works fine, but when I ad a second activity to the row, it no longer counts it because the other…
SUMIFS won't work, count doesn't match column count
I have a SUMIF formula, where I am counting the sum of percents if the Stage equals certain stages (1-5) =SUMIFS({Stage Percent}, {Stage}, [Status]@row) Inexplicably, today, the formula broke and is giving a "INCORRECT ARGUMENT SET" error message. The EA Stage Percent is fine, because when I remove the Stage and Status @…
sum the total number of project completed within a year
i am trying to sum up the number of projects completed within a year from another sheet i am using the below formula and receiving an argument error response. =SUMIFS({Project Tracking: Master Range 6}, {Summer Project Tracking: Master Range 7}, "1", {Project Tracking: Master Range 8}, IF({Project Tracking: Master Range 8}…
Nested IF/CONTAINS for Multi-Select Column
Hi. I have a multi-select column in which I have the following formula: =IF(CONTAINS(PF@row, {Offer Component Matrix_PFlists ACI}), "ACI", IF(CONTAINS(PF@row, {Offer Component Matrix_PFlists AppD}), "AppDynamics", IF(CONTAINS(PF@row, {Offer Component Matrix_PFlists CCP}), "Cisco Container Platform", IF(CONTAINS(PF@row,…
Compare Text
Is there a formula that I can use to compare the amount of similar words between two cells? I have two columns that have similar text but sometimes there is a period or comma that throws of my MATCH formula. Thanks, Miles
Is there any way to AutoNumber where the children are incremented from the Parent
I have Parent tasks that have the Auto-numbering for a unique Request ID. I have children under the Parent that are related to the Parent request. Is there a way to have the Child increment by 1 if a checkbox is checked? Request ID is Auto-numbered "20010000". "20" for the year and then 4 digits for the Parent ID to…
How to change Overall Health column from text to stoplight symbols
I have a formula in my Overall Health column that is based on the Status column. Green=Complete, Yellow=In Progress, etc. After multiple attempts I have a formula that seems to work but instead of getting the stoplight colors, I am getting the text instead, "Green" instead of the green dot. I assumed this was an issue with…
Custom Auto-Populate Row ID with different references
I am needing to create a Change Order (CO) sheet for one project but has more than one company with change orders. I am looking to see how I can auto populate each row with a change order # that references each company. Example: Project X Three companies: A, B, C. For Company A, I would like each CO line item to be…
1 cell to many
I have a Master sheet where there is 1 cell with a multi-select that a user could choose a number of items. While I can reference that Cell, and wrap text to make it look like a list. I am ideally looking to see if I can break that cell into many cells. List column cell is "=[Multi Select]@row" with 'Wrap' on I'm in need…
Formatting IP Addresses
Hello, I am trying to import an Excel spreadsheet that has a formula to format a column of IP addresses based on the column to the left of the formula. It works in Excel but it appears that SmartSheet does not have the same "Text" function option -- the ability to establish the format of the string. Trying to take…