Sum FTE Totals for all assigned projects
Hello, I am looking for some assistance with summing the total FTE hours per person assigned to a project. We use increments of .05 which is always rounded to 0 in the pivot app. I can't achieve this sum in reports, for some weird reason it won't allow me to group or summarize the Assigned Resource column. Is there a…
Sheet summary formulas automatically extending when new rows are added
Hi community, I have a lot of formulas in the sheet summary of my sheet. They all start like this "=COUNTIFS(Project1:Project149, NOT(@cell = "Epic Line"), [Row ID]1:[Row ID]149, ISNUMBER(@cell), ....." Now the sheet gets new rows added every day but my number 149 in the formula does not update automatically to capture the…
What is the maximum number of columns that can be displayed in a stacked chart widget ?
Hello, I need to compare data between 42 countries with a stacked column chart widget, but it seems we can only display 15 columns... ???
Indenting rows on a Mac
Hi, I'm trying to indent a lot of rows on a mac and can't figure out 1) how to select multiple rows at once and 2) why the indent option is greyed out if I manually select all the rows.
Summary Sheet calculate column totals
In the Sheet Summary section, I want to calculate three column totals. I have the below formula that is recognising the columns as 0, but if I add hours to any of the referenced columns, it does not add. =SUMIFS([Travel To Site]:[Travel To Site], [Travel Site To Site]:[Travel Site To Site], [Travel From Site]:[Travel From…
SUMIF matching rows and columns from another sheet?
I’m trying to create a resourcing table where for various projects, we complete how much time they will work on a project in the coming weeks. This is not a timeline or Gantt chart, so it doesn’t have dates, but it does have a list of all the projects and the hours are distributed over the weeks of the work. Instead it has…
How to count up a number of distinct values.
I have a list of what we call "opportunities" (opps), and some are linked to a specific project name (i.e. there are a number of opps for multiple Customers, but all being worked on at the same time under one project). I need to be able to count up how many opportunities we have but also how many distinct projects we have…
Formulas to calculate the number of weekdays, Saturdays, and Sundays between two dates
I have three columns: Weekdays, Saturdays, and Sundays. I need to calculate the quantity of each of these three types of days based on start and end dates. The NETWEEKDAY and NETWEEKDAYS functions do not work in this case because the start and end dates should be included in the count. Example: Start date of 8/22/2021 and…
Multiple Not options in an IF(And Statement
Hello, Right now I have a working formula: =IF(AND([End Date]@row < TODAY(), NOT(Status@row = "Complete")), 1, 0). using this to trigger a risk flag. I'd like to add more status values into the Not(Status@row portion. Looking to add 3: Complete, Ongoing, Cancelled. These are 3 status values where I do not want an at risk…
Is there a way that you can either hide or move to another sheet any information that is over 4 weeks old. What we are trying to do is make a calendar view for PTO requests, but we only want the current month and going forward. We don't want anything older than 1 month visible to anyone other than HR. I've tried using the…