need for caching a formula before sending
Hi, we created a more extensive formula and our employees asked for the possibility to cache the formula in order to input further data to a later point in time. Would that be possible ?
IFs from a LIST
I have a series of checkboxes on my form that help a client scope a project. Each checkbox is a column then in Smartsheet. I'd like to easily create a strong that is a list of the boxes checked. Names of Checkbox Columns [Choice1], [Choice2], {Choice3], [Choice 4], ... Each checkbox on the form has a label that is a…
How to find specific text within a string, in a COUNTIFS statement
Hi everyone, I am using a COUNTIFS to search a linked sheet, with one of the conditional IFS to be if the date falls in a specific month. So Condition 1, Condition 2, Condition 3 = Must have "Jan" in referenced dates Have tried "*"&"jan"&"*" as both an IF, and as part of a nested FIND statement - both to no success. Any…
Is there a formula to pull a task list based on assigned column?
I would like to create a separate spreadsheet that pulls tasks assigned to people. For example 5 tasks are assigned to person A and I would like it to list out each task based on what is entered in the task column. Person A: Task 1 Task 2 etc. Is there any way to do this, thank you in advance.
Trying to Count how many times a specific date populates
I am trying to count how many times each of of the dates in 'Clean Up Date' populate so I can set up a notification to deactivate the form that feeds into this sheet after 8 people sign up for each date. I've tried typing in CountIF formulas referencing similar questions asked in the past but nothing is working. I even…
Search for a Name Across Lists
We keep a "Master List" of client names by fiscal year, with each year having its own sheet. Employees need to be able to search across sheets of the current and previous fiscal year to see if a name already appears. I initially created a report to return the correct information, however, I quickly found out that only…
Distinct Count of 4th Field Added to Formula Pulling 3 Fields
I need a distinct count of a fourth field added to this formula which is a combination of pulling three fields: =COUNTIFS([Price Sheet Deadline]:[Price Sheet Deadline], IFERROR(MONTH(@cell), 0) = 7, [Round #3 Price Sheet Status]:[Round #3 Price Sheet Status], "Billing Approved", [Account has Updated Renewal Added to…
Find next entry date
Hi all, I'm currently trying to figure a formula that would find the next entered date for specific tools from my Rental Out column to populate the Rental In column. We have a system that tracks the movement of our tools and I'd like to find the next date entered by specific tools to track the duration the tool was on…
Checkbox Formula For Columns
Smartsheet Community: I would like to have my Formula to Checkbox one the Criteria is Meet. In Other words all the Other Columns Must Be Checked in order for the Done Column to Check the Checkbox I believe I am close but see my current formula below: =IF(COUNTIF([Original File]17:[Fax to Bank]17, 1, 0)) Thanks
Hi, I have this formula working, but need to add an OR statement. I need the formula to work if the last criteria is either "21CNTRL" or "CNTRL". Any help is much appreciated. thanks! =SUM(COLLECT({Archive-PO Requisitions Range 1}, {Archive-PO Requisitions Range 2}, @cell = [Site Name]@row, {Archive-PO Requisitions Range…