Subtract Invoice amount from Total based on Status, in Parent-Child relationship
Hi all, I am new to create sheets, but I am trying to create a solution to track forecasted invoices that need to be sent out. I want to put each invoice total separately and when the status is marked as "Complete" I would like to have it subtracted from the Contract Amount to show the Contract Balance. I set it up so the…
Formula help needed - if/then
Is there a way to make my formula (below) that if the "type of CPG" says "priority" in it that it can be - 21 days and all other types would be - 14 days? hopefully that makes sense!
Report totals formula
Hi, I have an example below. On my report, months remaining for each store is correct, based on inventory/sales pace per month. However, in the total, I cannot add the months remaining to get an accurate number, which the report is trying to do. (It doesn't work if any of the sales pace numbers are below 1. I need to…
Auto sort Rows
is there a way to auto sort rows based on a column. I have one column with drop down and want the rows to all sort based on the order of the drop down. If I add a row or change that dropdown in column I want the rows to auto sort. Right now I have to right click the column every time to sort when data is changed
Hi. I am using this formula to count the total $ amount of all values in one column if the date in another column falls within a specific year. =SUMIFS({Incentive Location Audit Range 15}, {Incentive Location Audit Range 7}, YEAR(@cell)= 2023 ) {Incentive Location Audit Range 15} is a currency formatted column (US$ values)…
Is there a way to use Automation to update a Duration column?
I have a helper column currently that checks to see if a task is required or not, and I want to set my duration to 0d if it is not required. Right now, I am doing this manually as I can't see a way to get automation to update a Duration column using the "Change a Cell Value" option. Is there a way to do this via Automation?
Date Formula Help
I am trying to create a formula to pull a date into the Future Date column based on the report frequency and due date entered. =IF([Report Frequency]@row = "Yearly", DATE(YEAR([Due Date]@row) + 1, MONTH([Due Date]@row), DAY([Due Date]@row)), "") Above is what I entered, but it is throwing an invalid column value error. Can…
#INVALID DATA TYPE in Rankeq function
Following function flags #INVALID data type error. =RANKEQ([Row No]@row, COLLECT([Row No]:[Row No], [Project Name]:[Project Name], [Project Name]@row), 1) Column [Row No] type is Text/Number COLLECT function is getting executed properly. I have debugged it separately. It is collecting the values of [Row No] column. Will…
30 Days or more + Every status except for one
I am looking for a count of rows that have a date before the last 30 days [Last Date of BHL Contact], and the status in [BHL Appointment Follow Up Status] is anything except for “Appointment Attendance Confirmed” I have tried many variations of =COUNTIFS([Last Date of BHL Contact]:[Last Date of BHL Contact], >=TODAY(-30)),…
I want to check a box if the outage was identified on a workday between 8:00-16:00
Day of week Notification Date Notification Time(military) I have separated the time from the date and it is in military time. So I have a notification date and a notification time. I have created a help column to identify the day of the week. I want to check a box if: the day of the week is greater than 1 and less than 7…