Table of contents in a large sheet; use of forms
hi, I use one large sheet to manage many different legal tasks across my team (1,000 rows currently). The sheet is divided to many sub sections/categories, main tasks, sub tasks etc. Wanting to add a new main task to a category, the user needs to scroll down to find the right category which is time consuming. Two questions…
Adding to Gantt template
Hello, I'm using a Gantt template and am having trouble customizing it to my needs. I added a row but it isn't included in the zummaiton of time for the parent. When I try to eddit the parent end date for the task it won't let me. How do I edit parent task end date formulas? Thanks
Alert when there is no attachment
Is there a way to send an alert when a record has no attachment? I have a sheet with checkboxes indicating documents have been attached. I want to get an alert if someone checks the box, but forgets to add the attachment. Anyone have any thoughts on how I could do this?
Calendar Function out by 1 day
Hi all Has anyone experienced the following. When using a form and clicking on a date field I am presented with a Calendar. If I chose a day from the 29th September forwards the day captured is set to one day earlier i.e. if I select September 30th, the day captured is 29/09
Unrecognized System Contacts
I'm seeing behavior in a sheet that I'm not sure if this expected or not. I am a known contact in our corporate instance of Smartsheet. The screenshot displays content in a sheet column that is created by submission of a form. For this particular column, it's populated from an email address in the form field. Submitters of…
COUNTIF with 2 conditions
I want to count the # of projects in a sheet that are 'in progress'. there is a project status column; however the projects have children and i only want to count the # of parent projects in work without adding up their children. I was thinking of maybe doing a COUNTIF with 2 conditions, condition 1) countif 'in progress',…
Remove Mouse hover over pop up tool tips on menu bar ribbon
Is there an option to remove the pop-up mouse hover tool tips on the top menu bar ribbon? It is getting in the way of the feature buttons and has become very annoying. Thank you!
Auto numbering format in Web Forms
Hi, I would like to be able to create a web form that my supplier can use to feed back information into a sheet that isn't shared with them, on the status of a machine they have been asked to repair. When the machine is originally entered onto the smartsheet I've set it to Auto-number for tracing purposes. What I'd like my…
Submitter automatic approval email
Once someone submits a form, they receive a notification that says their submission was successful. Once the approval flow has happened, if approved how can I have the same submitter receive an approval email....or disapproved if that is the case. Is this possible if the submitter emails is recorded in a column?
Automated emails
I would like the ability to send an automated email to a sheet assignee at a certain time with attachments linked on that line in the smartsheet. preferrably I would like to be able to create a user group instead of a single assignee so that the email can be sent to multiple people but at this time it cannot be automated…