IFRAME - load with Fullscreen option
I'm embedding several reports / dashboards into a sharepoint instance and I would like to have them load in full screen by default. I am referring to the Normal View Vs the Full Screen View that can be achived by clicking the appropriate icon on the bottom left of the embedded frame. Please help! Thanks
Smarter Dropdown List Manager
Further to a considerable amount of Community requests for a way to Update Dropdown Lists in just one sheet, then have that list Automagically populate all the other Smartsheets that reference that list. Our Developers, using the Smartsheet API have created just that solution, in fact we have assumed that users will want…
Update Schedule on Mobile.
I am new to the forum, so if I am not searching correct terms please let me know. And if there is already a thread on this directing me to it would be very helpful. I was wondering if there is any way that I can actually update a schedule (finish dates), on a mobile device while I am walking a site? I have both Android…
Submitting a row to two sheets broken by SDK updates
We have a form on our site that adds a row to two sheets in Smartsheet. This broke in June at which time the form added a row to the first sheet, but failed in the API call to Smartsheet in adding a row to the second sheet. Example Code that submitted to the first sheet (this was not affected): protected void…
Update VIA API not showing updates
Hello There Super Noob to Smartsheet APIs. I am updating smartsheet, with Powershell, a Test Sheet sending simple sample data. It shows that I have added multiple row, in the test sheet, but it isn't showing the data even if I refresh the sheet. I have no Idea whats going on.
Countifs with OR across multiple columns
Hello all, I'm a fairly new (2 weeks) smartsheet user and I'm trying to write a formula that will count several columns based on specfic criteria. I want to count the number of Open projects (status) that are associated with engineering by either person/dept assigned column 1 or 2, and are of a safety concern (category)…
Auto Link Active Directory Emails in SmartSheet
Looking for process or procedure to add when customizing a field to add a user from Outlook and have it pull from AD or Exchange
API not returning conditionalFormat info
I have a smartsheet that uses conditional formatting. I want to be able to make a call to the API requesting information about the row's conditional formatting. My api call, C# - Row row = smartsheet.SheetResources.RowResources.GetRow(sheetID, rowID, new RowInclusion[] { RowInclusion.COLUMNS, RowInclusion.COLUMN_TYPE,…
Cell Linking Max Count
So when I try linking a cell I got the following error "Your sheet has 5000 inbound links" I understand that this is the maximum number of links but, what is considered an inbound link? For instance, I know that the linkInFromCell Objects can have a status like "OK", "BROKEN", "NOT_SHARED", "INACCESSIBLE", and some other…
API Bug: GetSheets returns rows with null SheetId
I'm running into an issue where SheetResources.GetSheet and SheetResources.UpdateRows are returning rows with a null value for their SheetId. Has anyone else run into this issue? I'm not passing in any parameters other than the target SheetId. I'd like to determine if I have a configuration issue or if this is a bug in the…