Smartsheet data connection in TIBCO Spotfire server
I am able to create an ODBC connection and get smartsheet data in my Spotfire Analyst client. I followed this link - https://smartsheet-platform.github.io/odbc-docs/#tibco-spotfire-desktop. However, I would like to create an information link and publish data in Spotfire library and share the web link with the users. The…
Add new_row including values for a multi-select dropdown via Python SDK
I've tried different thing but I still get the same error. When I try the following code: multival = smart.models.MultiPicklistObjectValue() multival.values = value new_cell.strict = True new_cell.object_value = multival new_row.cells.append(new_cell) The column submission looks like: "{"columnId": 7199257397618564,…
Help! Webhook Creation Error
Hello! I'm able to use my api key to retrieve my sheet, and then the /webhook GET request successfully responds with an empty set, but I'm unable to add the hook for some reason. Any help would be appreciated! I've tried adding the non-required fields shown in the docs (createdAt, modifiedAt, subscope) and I've tried…
Automate io & Deleting Data from Smartsheet
I just recently started using automate io and just recently ran into some major issues. Automate io allows you to create a bot with the trigger of 'New Row' so anytime a new row is created on a sheet, it will trigger the bot. Soon after setting it up, my bot stopped triggering, every time I created a new row (using a…
Dates in Exporting Reports
Hi - does anyone know of a way to add a date to the title of an excel export so when I automate updates each file is dated? Right now it sends just the report name each time.
Has anyone mapped their Smartsheet files using the API?
2 part question here. My company is currently looking at ways to map how all of our sheets link to one another in a consolidated database. A thought that came to mind is using the Smartsheet API to access all of the underlying data (sheet id, name, column ids, cross sheet references, etc.) and store them in a database so…
Currently I am pushing data to smartsheet using the API, however, I notice that numbers that have say dashes in front of them to denote them being negative, or any non-numeric elements, causes every record in that column to be pushed as text, together with an invisible apostrophe in front of it that only shows when I click…
Report Row Sorting
I am trying to use reports to reduce the amount of columns and rows I need to handle via the API. Along with this, I would like to have the report also sort the rows, but it seems that when using the API make a Get Report request, the row numbers in the JSON response do not line up with the associated reports row numbers.…
Using GetSheet method returns Unexpected character encountered while parsing value: <. Path '', line
This is just using the basic code that is provided in the Github documentation. Stack Trace; at Smartsheet.Api.Internal.AbstractResources.HandleError(HttpResponse response) at Smartsheet.Api.Internal.AbstractResources.GetResource[T](String path, Type objectClass) at Smartsheet.Api.Internal.SheetResourcesImpl.GetSheet(Int64…
Can the Dynamic View form submission allow new entries to appear at the top of your Smartsheet?
I know this option is available in Smartsheet, but when you enter a form through dynamic view there is not an option to have new items to go to the top of the sheet.