Unique Id in one sheet and Duplicates Id in another sheet
Hi Good people I have two sheets - FTTH Program sheet and the PMO_DataDump sheet On the FTTH Program sheet i have the unique id - PN number and on the PMO_DataDump also have the unique id with duplicates (PN Number), I'm trying to Calculate the sum from the column called HP from PMO_DataDump sheet for every unique Id in…
Countif help
Hey everyone. I see lots of countif when a column allows for multiple selections. But my column limits to only one selection. I assumed it would be the same calculation but I am not getting an answer. I am hoping you can help me work this through. =COUNTIF([Project Progress]:[Project Progress],(HAS(@cell, “In Progress - On…
How to create a formula column that calculates the difference between rows?
I have a sheet1 with columns labeled "Metric Name," "Plan-Actual," and monthly columns where we record the plan and actual numbers consecutively for the same metric name. Metric Name Plan - Actual Last FY - Jun Last FY - Jul Last FY - Jaug Test-01 Plan 90 89 21% Test-01 Actual 90 79 78 Test-02 Plan 90 100 120 Test-02…
Why didn't my original CountIF formula work?
I am trying to count the number of projects that began since Jan 1, 2024. I typed in the formula =COUNTIF([Start Date]:[Start Date], ">= Jan 1, 2024"). Basically I wanted to count the number of projects with a start date that were equal to Jan 1, 2024 or greater. However that formula gave the blatantly incorrect answer.…
Reoccurring Due Date Formula
Hi there, Is there a formula that would do the following: 1.) If Timeframe="Monthly" and Status ="Complete" then update Due Date to the same day next month. 2.) If Timeframe="Quarterly" and Status ="Complete" then update Due Date to the same day in 3 months. (Ex: if something is due 6/30/24 and is complete, then update due…
Why is 'DAY' Value from a Date being populated incorrectly?
I have a 'Formatted Date' column with a column formula (below) that formats the date from the row's date timestamp, which I renamed to 'Training Completion Date', into DD-MMM-YYYY format. All rows but one is getting the correct day from the DATE. I cannot figure out why 10/08/24 returns 9-Oct-2024. Curious to know if…
Counting items in a cell separated by comma
Hello, Thank you in advance. Need help getting the count of the values in a cell that are separated by a comma. Example in a Cell I could have three values: Blue, Green, Yellow. Need to return the value 3 but I can't seem to find that anywhere in the community. Thank you again!
Formula Help
Hello, I have a formula to determine the days between two cells: =IF(OR([Status]@row = "CLOSED", ISDATE([Closure Date]@row) = 1), [Closure Date]@row - [Date Initiated]@row, TODAY() - [Date Initiated]@row) However, I need to add in to return "N/A" to the days open if the value within Date Initiated is N/A. I have a similar…
Reverse engineering a cell reference formula
Hi, Smartsheet developed a solution for my current employer before I started here. I'm an Excel power user and in the process of becoming a SS resource for this employer. That said, I feel really silly but cannot figure out what's going on in this cell. It looks like a cell or column reference but the column doesn't appear…
SUM Formula
I have written a formula to convert a word into a numeric value. When I try to add all the columns of the converted number to get the sum, it does not recognize the cell as a number so it returns a Zero. I feel like I need to convert the formula's conversion into a number instead of Text? Please help!