Need help with an NETWORKDAYS formula to pause the day count when a Status is selected
I need help with a NETWORKDAYS formula that will count TODAY() if Escalation Completed Date is blank and pause day count if the Escalation Progress is "Phase 0: On-Hold" and the column for On-Hold Date has a date recorded (and will still count as TODAY() if blank). Current Formula I am trying after searching in the SS…
Index/Match Error
Okay, I am confused by why I am getting this error on my Index/Match formula, so thanks in advance for your assistance. First my error is "Invalid Column Value". I have never seen that error previously, so I am stumped how to proceed. I am doing an Index/Match formula, and I have done multiples of this function, so I am…
How do I "square" a formula
This is the excel formula which includes to square the equation and then multiply (last 2 functions). This is an invalid operation in Smartsheet (^)... how can I make this work? =IF(ISBLANK([Operator Height]@row), "", IF([Operator Height]@row = 0, 0, IF([Operator Repeat]@row = 0, 0, [Operator Height]@row / [32/64]@row /…
Count # of Dates in a Cell - Minus Cells with Regular Text
Hello, I'm trying to figure out the formula that counts all cells in a column with a date. However, I have some cells with "NA" and I would like to exclude that from the count. Thank you so much for your help!
Fiscal year
Hi, Can anyone help me with this? I need to automatically record the fiscal month of a product based on its Offline Date, which indicates the month it is due. Our budget years are from October =IF(MONTH([Offline Date]@row)=> 10, "Fiscal Year " & (YEAR([Offline Date]@row) + 1), "Fiscal Year " & YEAR([Offline Date]@row))…
Can Smartsheet show interdependencies of tasks across multiple sheets?
Our team is looking to centralize a list of items in one location + a location for each team for their respective tasks. I would like to know if it is possible to provide an update when a task is completed to the team who was dependent on the item, so they can begin to their part.
Multiple contacts selected to a task - calculating costs of effort
Hi, I have hourly rates for employees that are in the contact list. I calculate the costs of tasks assigned to a single contract with with no problem. However where multiple contact are assigned I cannot find a way to split out the contacts selected to then allow me to calculate their costs at individual rates Fred £10 per…
Sumifs not working when referencing another sheet
Can someone tell me what I'm doing wrong? This formula doesn't want to work when I'm referencing another sheet. =SUMIFS({VI FTE Needs}, {VI Start Date}, >=DATE(2023, 1, 1), {VI End Date}, <=DATE(2023, 1, 31), {VI Project Status}, <>"Closed") Thank you in advance!
IFERROR not working correctly
I'm trying to use the IFERROR function and it doesn't seem to be working. I have two cells feeding off of each other and I'm not sure if that's playing into it. We have one cell that they can pick the quarter or it will automatically fill in if there is a date plugged in. I also have it set up to fill in a date if the…
How do I stop a time-based reminder once an action has been completed?
Hi, I'm using a Form to pull information about different tasks and using time-triggered reminders for recipients until the task is completed. I want to avoid continued reminders after the task has been completed by using an automation to cancel the reminder, but haven't found a workable solution so far. Any ideas on how to…