Reminder Automation based on the Forgetting Curve
I am currently working on a project where I would like to set up automated reminders based on the Ebbinghaus Forgetting Curve to maximize information retention for my team members. I plan to use the following reminder intervals: 1 day, 1 week, and 3 weeks after the initial learning event. I aim to create a system within…
Formula on INDEX
I am fairly new to SS. I see a formula in a cell that reads another sheet and match on a Proposal ID to get another cell back. =INDEX({Nintex Success}, MATCH([Proposal ID Number]@row, {Nintex Req ID}, 0)) I know Nintex is another folder. But I can't figure out how the formula reference this Success field. The column…
Invalid Operation for simple formula
I have this formula that is returning INVALID OPERATION =IF({AMR Location} = "Baltimore Mfg", AVG({AMR Level}), "") The Location column is just text. The AMR Level is a number that is calculated from a pick list column. =IF([Level of Professionalism]@row = "1", 1, IF([Level of Professionalism]@row = "2", 2, IF([Level of…
Yellow if, Red if
Hello - looking for some assistance on a formula that I'm trying to create that will return my task health as Yellow if 1 - 13 days beyond target completion date, and Red if 14 days beyond. I have created the below, which works, however I'm stumped on where I need to incorporate the IF formula for Yellow, and how to ensure…
Collecting all 'Assigned to" into 1 cell
Hi, in my project plan I have one column per resource allocated to a task. Is there a way to merge all this names (resources) into a single column as a contact list with multiple entries? The condition should be that resource respective allocation should be greater than 0. Thanks a lot in advance Davide
# of Completed tasks between 3 and 2 weeks ago?
I can get the number of completed tasks last week (7 days) using =COUNTIFS(Status:Status, "Complete", Finish:Finish, @cell > TODAY(-7)) How do I get the number of tasks completed, say... between 7-14 days in the past? thank you,
Help With Remaining Work Days Formula
All, I'm in need of a formula that calculates remaining work days within a "start date" and an "end date". I came up with this: =IF(ISERROR(NETWORKDAYS(TODAY(), [Start Date]@row)), "", NETWORKDAYS(TODAY(), [End Date]@row)) - which works fine as long as "today" currently falls within the "start date" and "end date". But, I…
Countifs for today calculation
Hi there! I'm trying to bring items from multiple sheets to populate a metric sheets. Basically, I would need a hand to bring the following data to count how many check box items have been modified on the last 7 days and more than 7 days. This check box row items can be level 2 or 3, the column name is Level. Count ifs…
Hello, I'm trying to create a COUNTIFS formula to count cells in a separate sheet that contain 000 in their 6 digit ID number column and have a date in a different column. The formula below is giving an error: =COUNTIFS(({Dashboard Source Sheet Store #}, FIND("000", @cell) > 0), {Dashboard Source Sheet AIC Date},…
Weird one: Automatically generate a Link in a column to the sheet I am in...
Hey all, I have an interesting ask. My company uses sheets we call Roster files to organize HCP Contracts for Medical Events. The request from my team is to have a column in these roster files that populates with a link to the roster file they are already in. Why? We've drafted reports to organize all HCP contracts grouped…