Formula for if cell contains one of many things, return that thing
I'm looking to create a formula for if a cell contains one of a list of things, it will return that thing. In excel, I would use the method found in this article (https://exceljet.net/formula/if-cell-contains-one-of-many-things) but have not been able to recreate in Smartsheet.
What formula to use to calculate a column with a drop down in another sheet by month.
Hi, I have created a tracking sheet that contains data and issues brought up each month. Now I am wanting to take data from specific columns and have a formula that counts the entries by month in another sheet. I have tried a few different formulas and have been getting errors. The column I am wanting to calculate has 4…
I want to use COUNTIFS to summarize data to a sheet from three areas of another sheet.
The formula below is in a sheet title: TblInstructors The formula below is in a the above sheet title: TblInstructors (in each of the COUNT columns with different " ", @cell names, of course): =COUNTIFS({Archive Teaches Classes 1}, AHAInstructorID@row, {ArchiveClasses Range 2}, CONTAINS("ACLS", @cell)) The other sheet…
Formula for RYG status based on Drop down column marked: Complete, In Progress & Not Started
Hi there! I am looking for help creating an IF formula to produce the RYG based on another column that has a dropdown (Complete, In Progress & Not Started). This is what I had: =IF(Status@row = "Completed", "Green", IF(AND(Status@row = "In Progress", "Yellow", IF(AND(Status@row = "Not Started"), "Red"))))
Concatenate Parent and Children Names
Hello All, I am trying to get a column to concatenate the Parent and Child Names For example, In my primary column I have 12345 AA BB. CC In another column I would like it to Concatenate the names 12345 12345 AA 12345 BB 12345 CC in excel it would be =Concatenate(Parent & Child) I tried =(Parent() + Child()) Still no go.…
Blank a cell if value is zero
I apologize as I know this has been asked numerous time but i cannot get it to work for me. I have a IfSum formula that I would like to turn the cell blank if the value is zero. =SUMIFS({Sheet - Order Report Range 2}, {Sheet - Order Report Range 1}, "Badges", {Sheet - Order Report Month}, "February") Thanks in advance for…
IF statement for check mark box and parent cell
Can anyone help me with creating a formula for the following thought: Check mark yes in this row if the parent cell is a specific name? Thanks! Edit: Also want to add that there are multiple parent cells under this parent cell so I want to include all of them in the check box formula.
Rows with attachments copied to other sheet
Hi! I am new to smartsheet and I have been testing different workflows between sheets. When a row with attachment is copied to to another sheet, it will include only the last version of the attachment. Is this correct? (Unless files have been saved with different names, then more than file will be copied) I want to confirm…
Show child tasks and their status based on due date with parent project reference
Hi everyone! I am trying to create a dashboard for each of my project managers. I am hoping to have a rollup and a view of all child tasks where they are assigned to project in the Parent row. I would like to do this for late child tasks, child tasks without due date and an overall "All tasks" rollup and count (reference…
GPS location
I really like the GPS location that seems to be enabled in the Asset Location template for example. I have about 1000 locations for street furniture we want to upgrade. So we already have the locations in an Excel sheet. How could we transfer those locations in Excel to a GPS location that can be clicked such as the one in…