Count/sum only if one of children is a specific value and scope
Hello everyone, I was wondering if someone can help - I would like to do some financial departmental metrics in terms of revenue. Now, I have a sheet with about 300 different projects and would like to create another sheet where I will only see the sum of the revenue/totals for each of the 3 columns (as below). My costs…
How do I get my workflow to work?
Hi could anyone help me with this work flow? Firstly I wanted once a row was complete, it would delete, however i read through some of the comments and showed that this was not possible. Instead I wanted once the row is complete, to move into a separate spreadsheet, however the work flow isn't working. Could anyone help?
Countif formula
Hi, I am building a formula to count the number of cells in a column that have a given value. =COUNTIF(Status:Status, "In Progress") The cells in the Status columns have a vlookup formula. The countif formula does not work as it seems to not read the value of the cell but the formula. It was working before I added the…
Predecessors #ref formula
I am building a template which requires users to delete un-required task rows. This then creates #REF in the predecessors box (along with the other predecessors) I would like to highlight the predecessor box containing #REF but i cant get a formula to identify the data
Multiple Rows
Hello, I have companies listed in one sheet (Main), and multiple contract numbers for each of these companies in another sheet. Is there a formula to match the contract numbers from the one sheet and add then to a new column in the Main sheet? The main sheet currently only has one line per company (parent), so I would need…
How to sum a column by only pulling cells based on separate formula
Hello - can someone help with the following formula(s)? I want to include the cells included from this formula: =COUNTIFS([Card_StartDate]:[Card_StartDate], <=DATE(2021, 12, 31), LaneTitle:LaneTitle, NOT(CONTAINS("Parent", @cell))) ...And sum the totals from this column: Card_Size:Card_Size The LaneTitle column is Text.…
Daily Capacity Calculation
Hi, I'm trying to workout how to create a way to chart our capacity per day using a master sheet which shows the Stop Date and Release Date, to add complications each unit is of a different size and owner which are listed in different columns. Currently I do it manually; an example of what I need to do - Stop Date -…
Dynamic link between sheets
Hi Is it possible to have in sheet A, a dynamic (formula generated) link/URL that when clicked will navigate to sheet B and a specific row? Both Sheet A and Sheet B have a common identifier.
Help with Counting for specific value within cells
I'm trying to get a count of the number of cells (within the column Card_StartDate) that have a date of less than 12/31/21, but only when an adjacent column (LaneTitle) has cells with content that contains 'Parent' (parent can be anywhere within those cells). I'm completely lost on this and can't find what I'm looing for…
Formula to sum the number of selections made in a multi-select dropdown?
I have a dropdown with a total of 9 possible selections, but for formula purposes, I want to have a column represent how many of those selections were made. Therefore, if all 9 were selected, I want a cell to represent the number 9; 8 selected, the cell to represent only 8, and so on... The dropdown selections are words.…