Formula to count total number of items selected in a column of multi-select fields
Hi, I have a column called Type, which I've set up as a multi-select drop down. I'm struggling with a formula to count all the items that have been selected. For example, they may have selected 4 responses on each row, but when I created the summary field to do the count on the column, it only gives me the number of rows…
Cross-sheet formula with checkbox
Hello all, I am trying to create a cross-sheet summary metrics sheet that counts data based on Status and whether a box is checked. If the "Project?" column check box is checked AND the Status is (for example) In Progress, I'd like this formula to count the number of instances. No matter what I try for the checkbox (true,…
Two date columns - need to take the earlier date of the two and add 10 years
Hello! I am hoping for some assistance with nailing down this formula so that it displays 10-years on top of the earlier date from two columns. I found a prior community post with the below formula, but I just can't seem to get it to work the way I want it to. =IF(AND(ISDATE([Last AF]@row), ISDATE([Last BIR]@row)),…
I need to calculate the networkdays between 2 fields including when the end date is blank.
Column 1 titled "todays date" - this is the date the item is submitted Column 2 titled "manager response date"- this is the date in which a response was provided Column 2 may be blank. - Therefore in this case I need a formula that will show me the networkdays from the "todays date" column and consider Column 2 as a 0…
How to Identify New Rows Added by Data Uploader on Pivot Sheet
Hello - We load a large amount of data onto several sheets via the Data Uploader and Pivot apps. Looking for a way to identify newly added rows from one upload/pivot process to the next. We can handle this on the source data prior to the upload process, but hoping to make the process within Smartsheet to save some steps.…
What is the nested IF formula for the following?
If a request is less than 70% complete, turn the "Status" column into a "Red" status ball If a request is 70% or above and less than 100% complete, turn the "Status" column into a "Yellow" status ball If a request is 100% complete, turn the "Status" column into a "Green" status ball
IF, THEN formula that references a checkbox field and a date field
I'm trying to write an IF, THEN formula that references a checkbox field and a date field, but I keep getting errors. Here's the logic: If the 'EMDS' column is checked, then calculate the 'Date Needed' column minus five days. If seems simple, but it may actually be too complicated for the system since it essentially…
Multiple IF/And statements in one column
I am using the function: =IF(AND(Impact@row = "Low", [Angela Approval]@row = "Approved", [Billye Approval]@row = "Approved", [Jason Approval]@row = "Approved", [Michael Approval]@row = "Approved", [CAB Approval]@row = "Approved"), "Approved"), IF(AND(Impact@row="Regular",[CAB Approval]@row = "Approved"),"Approved") When I…
Automated date due to change in dropdown list
Hi folks! We're trying to set up a sheet where we are able to automated fill out different date columns due to a change within a dropdown column. If entry of the status dropdown is changed to pending, the current date should be displayed in the Date Pending column and - important - being locked for any changes. So that if…
Can I create a variable? Or two?
Hello, I'm working through some quotes for a project. In this project there area series of wall panels, in a series of locations. The material per sqft costs $X and the installation labor costs $Y per sqft. I have two cells in a hidden column that hold these numbers (should I have to edit it them later). Since the panels…