Is it possible to capture or reflect unknown category(ies) in a dashboard chart widget?
In an effort to scale up a department Smartsheet Dashboard I developed using Summary Sheet Reports for my organization, I am faced with trying to include data from a category where the category information is unknown. Meaning the category data will be input by the different departments. Is there a way to collect this…
Parent Row % Complete Doesn't make any sense
See attached image The Parent Row shows 7% complete based on the 1 item being 100% and all other items being in the future. The target % complete shows 20% which makes no sense to me. There is a formula for Target % complete: =IFERROR(IF(Status@row <> "Completed", IF(NETDAYS([Today (hidden)]$1, [Planned End]@row) /…
Formula to return the logged in user
Hello, Is there any formula to post(return) the name of the logged in user? I am trying to record the user name of the person who checked a box. for example, If I want to post a date when a box was checked, I write: =IF(Closed1 = 1, TODAY(), "")can we have something like =IF(Closed1 = 1, Logged user, "") I know that there…
Merging data from multiple sheets
Hello I have over 100 smartsheets with the exact same columns and questions. These sheets have been sent out to leadership teams across the country. I need to combine all this data into ONE summary sheet. Is there a way to do that? I do not want to link EACH cell to hundreds of sheets. let me know if there is some magical…
Sheet Summary field, max date, ignore blank cells
Hi, I have a sheet with active jobs, some are scheduled and some are not. I want the Sheet Summary field to show the furthest date listed, but some of the rows do not have a date in the selected date column, and I want to be able to select the entire column to pull from so I don't have to expand the selection every time…
Conditional Formatting in same column with multi criteria
I am trying to think my way through this and can't quite manage it yet. I have a log that has stages but the criteria is based upon the substrate chosen. If Hot dip is selected, the temperature spec is 120-160. If Cold Rolled Steel is selected, the temp spec is 120-175. I need the conditional formatting in the same cell,…
Help with formula using YEAR function
I have a need to count rows where: Issue Type = Story Labels include LND-Product Status = Done Year of Resolution Date = 2020 COUNTIFS({JIRA Tickets Issue Type}, "Story", {JIRA Tickets Labels}, "LND-Product", {JIRA Tickets Status}, "Done", YEAR({JIRA Tickets Resolution}),= 2020)) Says the cell is Unparseable but I cannot…
Automatically update current stage
Hi, I am trying to track progress through various stages of publication (the columns titled approval, data collection, analysis...accepted). I thought the health bubbles may be a good way to quickly visualize progress but it is confusing the card view as it can only organize per specified column at a time. What would be…
Long Decimals - 7 digit decimals
Good morning, I have specific coding for each line item that reads as 7 digits with a "." followed by another 7 digits. So in essence, it looks like a long decimal. Smartsheets thinks it's a decimal and rounds it up, eliminating the last 2 digits when I leave the cell. Losing the last 2 digits changes the number and messes…
Combine a column from two different sheets ="Complete"
I am attempting to take info from a column from two different sheets and combine the total. The formula I am working with to perform this for a single column is: =COUNTIF({Project Plan - Project A Range 1},="Complete") I tried using the following: =COUNTIFS({Project Plan - Project A Range 1}, ="Complete", {Project Plan -…