I want to do a serial IF this then that formula across more than one column. Please help!
My =IF(Child@row="Name1", "Parent1") and it worked to bring the Parent name into the @row, but I am trying to also add a few other Child/Parent combos into it as well. For example, In the Parent Column, I want to combine =IF(Child@row="Name1", "Parent1"), OR =IF(Child@row="Name2", "Parent2"), OR =IF(Child@row="Name3",…
Need to tweak Health Indicator formula based on "status date"
I need to tweak the following formula to use a [Status Date] instead of "Today". We publish status reports each Wednesday as of Friday of the previous week. I have added a Status Date column that I will update each week to reflect the status date. Current formula; =IF([% Complete]@row = 1, "Blue", IF([Planned Duration]@row…
Date formula help: return 90 days earlier than start date, on the closest Tuesday
Hello, I'm looking for a formula to pull a date that is 90 days earlier than our start date but on the closest Tuesday. Thank you
Countifs Calculations Multiple Selections in Cell
I'm not quite sure how to ask this, but I have cell that has a list of teams you can select from. You can select one team, or have multiple teams selected. If multiple teams are selected then the line item (task) is excluded from the count. I am trying to determine how to modify my calculation to account for multiple…
IF Statement - Checkboxes
Hi there, I currently have this formula (below) for my checkboxes that states if the end date is less than 30 days away and the Status of a project is "In Progress" the checkbox is checked off. Currently, if the End Date field is left blank and the Status is "In Progress" the checkbox is marked off. I want to make it so if…
trouble with formulas applying to new entries from form
I created a form. new entries are entered at the bottom of the form. I copied all of my formulas to the bottom of the form. When new entries come in from the form, they come in below the last row where formulas are copied. Result...formulas are not applied to the new entries coming from the form. How do I get the formulas…
Seven Most Current Entries for each Question for Each Location
Hi, I want to pull the SEVEN MOST CURRENT ENTRIES for each QUESTION for each LOCATION. Here's my Master Smartsheet. This is the formula I started using based on responses in the community: =INDEX({TEST Range 2}, MATCH(MAX(COLLECT({TEST Range 4}, {TEST Range 2}, [Q1]@row)), "Clearfield", {TEST Range 5}, 0)) This formula…
Matching using Multi-select column values
I have the following three columns Idx, Stage and Steps. Steps is a Dropdown Multi-Select column. I want to use the step value from column in another sheet to find which row that step belongs to so I can return the Idx or Stage values from a formula.
How do I find the average approval time?
I have a sheet that our PMs approve invoices and another sheet that copies the rows as soon as they are approved. One column is Date Created (Created Date) and the other is Approved Date (Modified Date). When the row is pulled, it captures the modified date when they approve the row. I need to find the difference between…
Force upper case on a column
Hello Everyone, I got a question. Is there any way to force upper case on a text column? I have a column where users enter information using iPads and it will be very helpful if the cells will automatically force to have upper case font in it. Thanks