Report Summaries Averaging RAG Status - Functionality Request
A major limitation I am currently finding with Smartsheet is the ability to be able to pull average RAG status summaries into Report Summaries for charts and consolidated reporting across multiple projects. For example - 10 project plans with 5 business units where I need to track % complete and RAG Status (which is based…
Edit Row - Form Navagating from row to row
"Lock" function
Please consider adding a lock function to link two cells together by that fix number of days. Let Cell A be preceding Cell B, Cell B not preceding but "linked/locked" with Cell C (Cell C happens before Cell B). So that when Cell A shifts backwards, Cell B also shifts backwards, and Cell C also shifts backwards, due to a…
Control Center Blueprint - Save Mid-Build and/or Resume Mid-Build
It would be really great if we could save a blueprint mid-build without having to click all the way through to the end or at least jump to a specific section using the list on the right side of the screen. There was recently a build where we realized we needed to adjust a few things on our Intake and Metrics sheets while…
Browse (File Explorer) should list if Report type is Summary or Row Report
It would be helpful if a column in the file explorer/browse would differentiate if reports were Row Report based or Summary Report based.
Add functionality to Move folders and other SS objects across Workspaces
There is no menu option today in the interface to move objects across Workspaces in SS. DND is undocumented and not consistent across the browsers.
Increment Conditions date(s) along with Trigger date
The trigger date increments weekly. The conditions date should also. I enter notes daily throughout the week. The following Monday I want the previous weeks notes sent to X to review the previous week.
Fix Decrease Decimal in Summary (bug?)
Decrease decimal in the Sheet Summary takes the number back to whole number. It should decrease one decimal place like the increase decimal increases by one decimal place. For example, if I start with 1.1234 and I want to just see 1.12, I have to: Decrease decimal - takes it to 1. Increase decimal - 1.1 Increase decimal -…
Linkage Between Form and Report
Hello, I posted this last week in the community forum and was advised that this is currently not a feature: I am trying to create a function within a form that allows the form user to view prior Notes for repeat customers easily. Currently: All customers have a "Note" entered as part of their form. I have added a checkbox…
We need more customized sharing options
More specifically I would like to really control what editors can or can't do. I don't think we have enough options as it stands. In a perfect world, I would like to limit which rows an editor can change and which they can't. Maybe by using the contacts column type we could assign rows to certain editors and ONLY those…