Please fix the Sheet Reference Manager View
Why doesn't this window expand? It's impossible to see the name and when you've got a lot of similar names it's maddening.
English / Spanish forms translation
I have numerous forms created in English and would like them all to be available in Spanish. How can we accomplish this without creating a second form? As when I do copy the current form and transfer each question, the answers are still in English, plus it generates a separate link for the end users.
Sort Attachments, more options.
It would be really useful to sort all attachments by file types. I have a sheet with over 1000 rows that users upload PDFs, Excel, and photos to in each line and I'm in need to find only the excel attachments for the whole sheet. There is, as far as I can tell, no way to cull file types.
Dashboard Image Widget Data Source via cell from Sheet
For the Image widget type, expand ability of where to select the data source from to include option that matches that of the Metric widget - where you can choose a cell from a sheet. When using a workflow via Control Center, we intake Clients and capture their logos in a cell (as there is a nice option to insert image to a…
Formatting in Reports
Currently there is an option to clear formatting from source sheets, but what I'd like to do is apply formatting to reports. I'm indifferent as to whether those formatting changes would link back to the source sheet.
Link attachments across sheets
Ability to port attachments on a satellite sheet and update/supplement a parent sheet.
Drop-down column availability in form from parent sheet
Allow a drop-down column to appear in the form so users can update the row and/or attach new documents.
Notification Wording
Smartsheet Team, Please consdier changing the notification language for when a row gets moved to another sheet. Right now the notification says that the row was actually deleted and it should just say that it was moved. Thanks!
Give the option for Shortcut Widgets to open link in same tab or new tab
Currently shortcut widgets operate differently depending on if you are opening a Smartsheet item or an external link. Smartsheet items open in the same tab. External links open in a new tab. You can have the option for Smartsheet items to open in a new tab by just linking it as external, but you have no option to open…
Dynamic naming for files offloaded via workflow in DataShuttle
Hello everyone I was thinking that it would be nice to be able to name the files we offload with dynamic information like today's date or a cell value. This would allow for nice automated reporting of information when combined with the on schedule triggers.