Whenever I get an email from Smartsheet about a support ticket that was updated, closed, requests more information, or about anything for that matter, it almost never includes important details of the…
Feature Enhancement Request: Bulk Backup and Export for Smartsheet Workspaces I would like to propose a feature enhancement for Smartsheet's backup and export functionality. Currently, administrators …
When using a date column in forms, it would be great to have the ability to restrict it to a specified set of dates. And it would also be great to have the added option to automatically update the spe…
I would love the option to display a dropdown list column in a sheet as either radio buttons (for single-select) or checkboxes (for multi-select). I often use dropdown list columns with 2 or 3 options…
Smartsheet is great for planning events but when that date is added to an Outlook calendar, it shows up as a day event and not the specific time of the event. Not only does it look like a day event bu…
Hello, I'm creating a form to capture new data for employee changes, on the form it would be great to be able to have fields side by side so end user can compare. Is that something that could be possi…
My understanding is that at this time, there is no way to update data from Excel, and it have it show up in Smartsheet. The Smartsheet Live Data Connector provides a read-only experience and is not ab…
To force opening MS Office links in the desktop app you can usually add "ms-word:ofe|u|" at the start of the link, however Smartsheet forces https:// at the start of the link. Please allow to use app …
Hi Community, Welcome to the Product Feedback and Ideas space where you can help shape the future of Smartsheet! We really appreciate your feedback and will take all posts into consideration. Our prod…
Hi! I wanted to submit a feature request to add to Smartsheet. I organize a lot of documents that are displayed in all caps [Ex. PLEASE SUBMIT ADDITIONAL NEEDED DOCUMENTS]. I have noticed there is not…
Minimally useful info. Completely unnecessary most of the time. Poor usability. Requests for this go back at least four years. And there are dozens of supportive comments on each of these requests. Yo…
When I create custom messages in Automations, such as approval emails, I'd LOVE to have the system give me a list of possible field names to use after I type in the double curly brackets '{{' This wou…