Enhancement Request
For IT Ticketing services, it would be nice if there was a automated chat responder for support.
For how much time does the API access token valid.
I'm using SmartSheet APIs to automate some tasks in my SmartSheet. To do that I'm calling SmartSheet API calls within my API. Currently, for the authentication, I have generated an API access token via the following UI in the SmartSheet. I want to know how much time this token valid?
Does Smartsheet Form have any APIs?
Hi, I'm trying to automate the form submission process for my team, I saw form submission seems to be calling https://forms.smartsheet.com/api/submit, just wondering if we have any APIs open for this like the api.smartsheet.com ones? Thanks
Unable to Attach File to Row
curl https://api.smartsheet.com/2.0/sheets/{sheetId}/rows/{rowId}/attachments \ -H "Authorization: Bearer xxxx" \ -H "Content-Type: application/msword" \ -H 'Content-Disposition: attachment; filename="ProgressReport.docx"' \ -H "Content-Length: FILE_SIZE" \ -X POST \ --data-binary @ProgressReport.docx Using Above API to…
How to expand options : [Array] to show picklist values ?
I am using Node.js API calls to get the columns displayed in my terminal. Few of my columns are of types : Contact_List and Pick_List. I want the CLI to show me the options which are present in the dropdown in these columns. I want to expand options: [Array] { index: 4, title: 'New Picklist Column 1', type: 'PICKLIST',…
Update linkInFromCell via API results in error 4000
Hi, i'm requesting the API via axios.js with PUT https://api.smartsheet.com/2.0/sheets/{sheetId}/rows to update two cells of one row with the following data body: { "id": 1234 "cells": [ { "columnId": 1234, "value": null, "linkInFromCell": { "sheetId": 1234, "columnId": 1234, "rowId": 1234 }, { "columnId": 1234, "value":…
Why do some reports/sheets return 1006 "Not Found" when trying to access?
I am making the simple "sheets/[sheet id]" and "reports/[report id]" calls and some of them return 1006 "not found". I have access to these sheets/reports from the Smartsheet UI, and obtain the ID through properties as before. There does not seem to be any pattern to the ones which return 1006. Even the ones I do manage to…
Error code 5570 when sending e-mail notification
I have a trial account with Smartsheet. I am using smartsheet API with curl to create/update few sheets. The requirement is to email these sheets at EOD to a couple of users. However, receiving error code 5570, 'you have exceeded maximum number of e-mails that your account can send'. The limitations document states that…
Getting 204 with Smartsheets put request on Postman but 400 in .NET Core Web API
I am testing the same data in postman verses a .NET Core Web API project, however, one returns fine when content is being updated and another (.NET Core) returns 400. Any ideas on why this may be? It's the same data structures, and even same data.
Links in a form
Hi, is there any way that when a data is captured in a form we can add hyperlink information? seems that is just plain text and that is not very functional at times. Thanks