Internal Server Error Please contact Smartsheet
Hi, I received the following error message when running the API: {"response": {"statusCode": 500, "reason": "Internal Server Error", "content": {"errorCode": 4000, "message": "An unexpected error has occurred. Please contact the Support team at https://help.smartsheet.com/contact for assistance.", "refId":…
Getting a Template's columns and rows using the API
Is there a method for retrieving a Template's columns and rows using the API? Trying to use the "Get Sheet" API method (e.g., /sheets/{sheetId}) with a Template ID returns a "Not Found". For now, I'm working around this by doing a "Create Sheet from Template", inspecting that temporary sheet as I need to, then deleting the…
Event Reporting User Events total fetch
Hi, Can you please let us know if there is any way We can check how many total user events have been fetched from my Account till today vis Event Report API(https://api.smartsheet.com/2.0/events)? Thank you
Creating a new smartsheet Project-type-sheet from scratch with the API
Hello. Trying to create a new Project-type-sheet with the API, and would like to designate everything about it the way I want in code, so NOT from a template. It appears there is no way to do this with the API, that it simply has no syntax for creating a gantt-enabled project sheet. Is this true? But next question - if you…
Is there a way to attach an URL to a proof?
Hello, I am able to create a proof with a link instead of file from UI. But I cannot see such functionality in API. I tried to do a POST request to /sheets/{sheetId}/proofs/{proofId}/attachments with the same JSON body like for adding URL to a row but with no luck - "errorCode" : 1011, "message" : "A required header was…
Did Smartsheet change its Timestamp syntax for webhooks?
Recently my python script [which takes in a webhook and outputs some row updates] has broken with the following error: [ pid=818344, time=2022-05-24 23:06:11,180 ]: /home/jw0nfo8iwcla/virtualenv/dj_app_01/3.7/lib/python3.7/site-packages/django/db/models/fields/__init__.py:1421: RuntimeWarning: DateTimeField…
What is the correct syntax for includeAll=true when pulling a report from the API?
Hi, I am using an API token to import smartsheet report data into Power Query in MS Excel. If I pass no information about pageSize or includeAll I get 100 rows returned. If I use the following: = Json.Document(Web.Contents("https://api.smartsheet.com/2.0/reports/8695992879998852/?pageSize=10013",…
Region EU sheets - how to connect with AppSheet?
Hi all, we moved with our licences to the region EU and don't know how to connect a sheet from AppSheet? Is there any solution because the AppSheet connector do not give us the possibillity to select a region. @Genevieve P. any idea? Thank you very much, Joachim
Commenter access level in API
Hello, I have shared a sheet with a user using Commenter access level. But when I request for shares with API I get VIEWER access level in response. How can I get a real value for Commenter access level? Also is it possible to set Commenter access level with API? Thanks, Michael
I can't find which column is "frozen"
I am working on a sheet built by another person, and they have frozen a column, but I'll be darned if I can find which one it is, and I've right-clicked on every column, and not seen an "Unfreeze Column" option listed. Any ideas how I can clear the Freeze Column? Thanks.