TotalFloat Calculation
Hi can somebody clarify how the TotalFloat calculations work? The above schedule is very simple as I was experimenting with total float. The function I used for the column TotalFloat is "=TOTALFLOAT([Task Name]@row)". The critical path is in red and all of the total float calculations for them is correct (zero). TotalFloat…
How do I pull specific dates from another sheet?
Hello, I'm new to smartsheet. I'm looking for a formula to pull in dates for specific countries. I have multiple column headers (milestones) for each country. I would like to look up the country in another sheet, then pull in the dates from each column header (milestones). Here is an example of the sheet I'm pulling from.…
I'm receiving a #NO MATCH error with a simple COUNTIFS formula. I'm trying to get a count of the number of times "Routine" occurs in the column, "Workover Type (Routine, Non-Routine)" (text/number column, with a formula), when the "Status" is "SI - Unassigned to WO Rig" (dropdown list column type). Any help is appreciated!
Multiple Sequences Need to Be Complete/NA to Provide a Complete Value
Writing formulas is not a strong suite of mine - I've tried a few routes (IF OR AND) but I'm either running into invalid formulas or formulas that are not netting the right results. I am trying to write a formula where I'm looking for sequence values to be either Complete or N/A and based on those sequences being one of…
How to calculate UTC given the local time and the UTC offset please
Greetings I'm working on a sheet in which I'll need to calculate UTC from a given local time and UTC offset and populate into the Planned Migration Time column. Here are my columns: I will be using the output from that to calculate the other columns but want to focus only on calculating UTC for this exercise. Below is my…
Hi Team, I am trying to fix this formula but it keeps giving me an error #INCORRECT ARGUMENT SET Could you please help me fix this one it's kind of urgent to close. =IF([Calculation of Receivd to Warehouse]@row >= 31, "Delayed", IF([Calculation of Receivd to Warehouse]@row <= 30, "Expected next 30 Days", "Green",…
OFFSET calculation
Hello, I am wondering if I could have some help on a calculation matter. As I have tried to find quickly some answers on the forum, it seems that you can not use the OFFSET function from Excel in Smartsheet. Right now I was using it in column H to calculate the stock of the compounds in the inventory. The goal is to add…
COUNTIFs referencing 1 dropdown column and 1 date column
I am using the formula below to find the number of times a particular service was requested in a given year. I am referencing columns from a sheet called Sheet1. =COUNTIFS({Sheet1 Service Requested}, "Isolate Requested", {Sheet1 Date of Completion}, YEAR(@cell ) = 2021) The column Service Requested is a dropdown with…
Count Unique Entries Multiple Criteria
I would like to count the number of unique employees who have submitted an entry per quarter. Here's the formula I tried: =COUNT(DISTINCT(COLLECT(Employee:Employee, YRQtr:YRQtr, YRQtr@row, [Idea Approved/Denied]:[Idea Approved/Denied], "Approved"))) Always returns a value of 1.
IF statement based on cells in same row
I have a sheet where every row requires two approvals before it's fully approved. What would the formula be to make this work? For example, approval column 1 is named "initial approval" and approval column 2 is named "COHS approval". Both cells are dropdowns with the options pending, approved, or denied. I want the first…