How to have Percent Complete for two columns?
Hello, I'm using the “New Hire Onboarding Template” that my team has expanded on. We added another checkbox column, and I'm hoping to have it be included in the % Complete section as well. Below you'll see the current formula that “came with” the template. How could I add the “Delivered” column to be included in this? I…
Formula troubles.
I am trying to rewrite a formula and I need some help. It is to update a due date for recertification. The midyear criterion makes it more complex. Here are the parameters that reference other columns: the person's original certification date, and their 4 year recertification cycle. I am trying to get a column to autofill…
Formula or report?
Need some guidance on a formula I'm trying to build. We have identical sheets gathering separate information and I need to gather that into a single formula to determine % of of sales. The formula I'm needing to build is: (discount 1-discount 2-discount 3)/(sales-financed) Discount 1, 2, 3, sales and financed are all on…
Need help with CountIF formula referencing two columns on another sheet with an OR statement
Current attempt: =COUNTIFS({Sheet Name - Standard}, CONTAINS("UM", @cell), {Sheet Name - Annual}, OR("yes", "add")) The gist is, another sheet, Sheet Name, has a column, Standard, and a column Annual, and for every Standard that is UM, we want to count if the Annual column contains "Yes" or "Add". There is a third option…
How to get the Delta between Estimated Duration and Actual Duration
Good Morning, We are trying to move our deployment plan for technical project implementations into Smartsheet. What I'm struggling with is getting the delta between estimated duration and actual duration to account for working days only. My start date/time, end date/time and actual finish date/time are all manual input.…
Broken Vlookup (No Match)
My vlookup is returning no match even though there is a match avaliable. But the reference sheet has an avaliable rate:
Warning -MONTH does not work as expected.
All, All our date ranges were setup using the 31st, which turns out to have been an issue. Even though the month is specified, the number of days (in this case 31) overrides the month entry and returned 31 days of results instead of just February. =COUNTIFS({ICR Tracker Review Range}, >=DATE(2023, 2, 1), {ICR Tracker…
SUMIFS: IFERROR Function to Ignore Empty Date Cells Not Working
Hello, I need to add an IFERROR function to the below formula, but cannot figure out what to input to make it work. I keep getting #INVALID DATA TYPE, #UNPARSEABLE, and #INCORRECT ARGUMENT SET errors. The goal is to return the total Amount for a particular Team (Retail in this instance) by week for only rows that have an…
How to set up dates to roll over effective FYE
Scenario 1: I need to calculate the total # of projects closed in the previous FY and display a running total of projects closed in the current FY. Right now, I'm changing the FY dates in the summary fields, and I would love to stop having to do this! FYE is 6/30, and my formulae are as follows. Current FY:…
RAG Status
Hi there, I can see this has been asked a couple of times, but I can't quite work out how to apply the formulas to my sheet. I have a RAG column, that I would like to tally up at the top of each section, and then an overall RAG status. The RAG status isn't currently related to the % complete, or the 'Project Status' (On…