Generate rows equal to number from form
Hello, I'm trying to use a form to submit the number of rows that I want to populate, and I'm not too sure how, or if it's possible, to do so. Essentially I'm looking to use the Auto Number column to generate ID's for a given number parts that I'm making. For example, I will make 3 parts today, enter "3" in the Form, then…
Column wont say visible
Hello, I have a few sheets that I'm working on with several hidden columns. One column (Timestamp) was hidden, but now we want it visible, however it only stays visible for a few hours before going hidden again. It is a locked column as well and I've tried unlocking it, saving, and locking it again but by the next day it…
Pivot view of data into another sheet
I have organized my original sheet by Client name to show the multiple people (contact list) working on that job along with their start dates. I would like to create a second sheet to show organized by people all of jobs they are working on and when to see if they are overloaded during a timeframe. Sometimes the people…
Countifs query - Please help
I am trying to count the number of items set on a specific criteria, in this case I want to identify how opportunities I have at each stage within a give date range. i.e Number of Closed Lost opportunities in Q3 2021 Each variation I have tried results in an error - below is a image of a sheet that contains dummy data but…
Countifs with specific criteria for month & year
Hi All, Im a new smartsheet user and trying to complete a formula to count how many entries are in a specific month and year. I.e Entry relating to 'VIC" submitted in 'Oct' '2022' (pulling from another sheet) I have been using the Countifs function: =Countifs({SHEET Range 1}, "VIC", {SHEET Range 2}, "Month(10)", {SHEET…
Index, Match with a Contains.
Hi, I normally index match to return a value from a table but this only works for the match section if it is a 1 for 1 scenario. The scenario i currently have is the reference table which i'm indexing from for the field i am using as a match has additional information (See Table 2). How do i collect the information from…
Countifs & NOT formula help
Ok so I want to count if the following criterias are met: BDM Column {cdatBDM}= BDM@row (BDM2) Date Column {DateCDAT}<= Todate@row (To1) However, I do not want it to count Category Column {Category} if it says "Portfolio" I tried the following to no success: - =COUNTIFS({Category}, NOT({Category} = "Portfolio"), {cdatBDM},…
#Unparseable Error Index/Collect
I keeping getting the Unparsable error but can't figure out why. It is something in my Index Collect Formula. The rest of my formula works great if I replace my Index Collect with something else. Any thoughts on what I have incorrect? =IFERROR(IF(AND([Evaluation #]@row = "2", [Monitor Type]@row = "CPA"),…
sumifs formula with various criteria
I was wanting some help with a sumifs formula where I'm trying to sum a qty if another column meets certain criteria and then the date column is between 2 dates. My current formula is: =SUMIFS({QTY}, {Team Member}, "Team Member 1", {Date Absent}, [Start of Month]@row >= [Start of Month]@row, {Date Absent}, [Last Day of…
Help creating formula for project prioratisation
Hi there Im fairly new to Smartsheet and was looking for some help creating a formula to help populate the score for each project within the team, to then help prioratise each project. Have found a useful Smartsheet excel template and corresponding formula but cant seem to apply that to Smartsheet. Below is the criteria…