Use formula to capture data but then not update
I want to use a simple Index Match formula to capture data from another Smartsheet, but the issue I have is that the data on the other Smartsheet will be updated throughout the year. I do not want my data to be updated as the other Smartsheet is updated. For example, I have a list of contacts that will get updated if…
How to Filter a Report based on items found in ONLY multiple sheets
I've had two Pro Desk support appts that have not resulted in a resolution, and it was suggested I ask here. Hopefully I can be very clear about what the issue is and I apologize if I'm long winded. My non profit runs a group of 200+ volunteers that fundraise at varying venues and over 200+ events per year. Each venue has…
Formula help with Index Match and Contains
Here is what i have in 2 ways but neither work: IF(CONTAINS("X1", [Model Type]@row), INDEX({Other Sheet Range}, MATCH([Email 2]@row, {Other Sheet Email Range}, 0)), "") IF(CONTAINS(INDEX({model}, MATCH([Email]@row, {assignee}, 0)), "X1"), INDEX({serial number}, MATCH([Email]@row, {assignee}, 0)), "") My goal is to retrieve…
Formula help
I am struggling to figure out this formula. It has worked in the past. this is the Formula. =IF([Task Name]@row = "", "", IFERROR(INDEX({Awarded Bids FORM - Sub}, MATCH([Task Name]@row, {Awarded Bids FORM - Sched 1}, 0)), "") + IFERROR(INDEX({Awarded Bids FORM - Sub}, MATCH([Task Name]@row, {Awarded Bids FORM - Sched 2},…
Join Collect formula that excludes the current row from the results
I'm trying to create a formula that creates a list of duplicates in my sheets, I've gotten this formula to work but it's showing the original row within the list of duplicates. I tried adding an auto number column and including a condition that the list shouldn't include the current row. However, the addition of this to…
Return Multiple Values in Smartsheets
Hi all - I am trying to create a search box feature in Smartsheets. I have two sheets - 1) End User and 2) Main sheet where my data is stored. The data sheet has several columns, and for this purpose, I am only interested in 4 columns - 1) Keyword (Drop Down), 2) Content (Text), 3) Status (Drop Down), and 4) Project (Drop…
CountIFS with multiple criteria in second range
Looking to capture the certain status of a Purchase Order in a list of orders associated with several different projects. So i have range 1, criteria 1 = "Red", Range 2, Criteria 2 = Multiple project numbers. Keeps returning unparseable or incorrect arg. Is there another formula I should be using?
30 minutes time increment round up
Hi, I'm trying to create a column in Smartsheet that shows 30 minutes increment round up. I have a column that shows in minutes for the differences of the start time and end time. =(TIME([end]@row)-TIME([start]@row))*24*60 How can I use ROUND to use in this case for 00:30 increment? Thank you in advance!
Need to find all instances of value and return any non-blank cell from another sheet?
Hello Everyone, I'm stumped and need some assistance. What I am trying to do is look for the value in the Cable Number column (Cable Number]@row) on the master sheet in the Cable Number Column on the Update Tracker (Update Tracker Cable}). There will be multiple times this value is in this column but some dates will be…
How can I "transpose" multiple columns into one column with multiple rows?
I am looking to convert multiple columns of data into a row per column populated. A bit like "transpose" So as follows: Automation doesn't seem to give me the flexibility to be able to do this. Any ideas? Thanks in advance