Percentage Complete Function
Can someone help me with the formula/function for this - looking to put it on a metric sheet for the dashboard to pull from: 6 tasks (Taks A-F) divided by Comple from Status column to get percentage of project done.
How can I set a Row ID column that does not change when you move, add or delete rows
Hi all - I've been able to create a Row ID column that updates when you add/delete a row fairly well, but when rows are moved around it breaks again. Current set up: X: autonumber column Row ID: =MATCH(X@row, X:X, 0) This works ok but every time I move rows or make big changes I have to re-set the autonumber (X) column. I…
Webform Woes
We are using a Webform for "Check In" and "Check Out" but only the "Check Out" captures the "Installation Status". Each "GVRID" has 1 of each. We need the "Check In" "Installation Status" to match what is entered during "Check Out" for the same GVRID. The Webform is a source sheet and feeds a master via "INDEX MATCH".…
COUNTSIFS does not Contain
Hello, I've put together the following formula, to count certain items in a different sheet that don't meet certain criteria, please see below. =COUNTIFS({SE-Region}, Region@row, {Status}, <>"Completed", {Status}, <>"Canceled", {Status}, <>"Duplicate", {Summary}, <>CONTAINS("Onboarding", {Summary})) The formula works until…
Creating WBS formula for deliverables spread out over phases
I have a project schedule that is organized by phases. Tasks for each deliverable are spread throughout the phases. The team has requested we add a WBS ID to the project schedule so we can identify/track the work across the phases. I'm trying to create a formula to generate the WBS. My formula to create the WBS Phase - 0…
Formula calculate last 30 days referenced sheets
=SUMIFS({Sales Pipeline Amount}, {Sales Pipeline Level}, "1", {Sales Pipeline Start}, AND(IFERROR(MONTH(@cell), 0) = MONTH(TODAY()), IFERROR(YEAR(@cell), 0) = YEAR(TODAY()))) + SUMIFS({Archive Sales Amount}, {Archive Sales Level 1}, "1", {Archive Sales Start}, AND(IFERROR(MONTH(@cell), 0) = MONTH(TODAY()),…
Count the number of times a person's name appears in an "Assigned To" column
I currently use the below formula to count the number of times a name appears in the "Assigned To" column. The issue is that this column can have multiple names in the same cell, so I have to created a separate formula for every possible name combination. Is there a way to have a formula that looks for a name string and…
Formula to calculate amount of days/weeks/months between two dates?
I work in managing long term, in vivo research studies so keeping track of age is important, I am assuming this is a pretty basic formula but I cannot seem to figure it out. I also want an automatic column that just gives me current age. Please help!
#Nested Criteria when combining formulas together
I am trying to get this formula to work, but it kicks back the nested criteria. =JOIN(DISTINCT(COLLECT([Employee Number]:[Employee Number], [Created Date]:[Created Date], IFERROR(MONTH(@cell ), 0) = MONTH(TODAY()), [Employee Number]:[Employee Number], COUNTIF([Employee Number]:[Employee Number], @cell) >= 2)), ", ") I just…
Need help with formula on helper sheet to pull specific data from other sheet.
I have a sheet where employees submit information to me. I created a helper sheet because I want to see all of the employees who submitted requests 2 or more times in the current month. Is this possible to do?