I need help calculating the sum of one column based on a date in another column
OK, so I'm trying to calculate values (in one column) based on the Month (in another column). This is what I have tried: =SUMIF({1 - Sales Pipeline: Holly Greenhalgh Range 2}, MONTH(@cell) = MONTH(TODAY(), {Sheet - Sales Pipeline Range 3})) However, it returns 0. I'm referencing another sheet if that makes a difference.…
SUMIFS Formula
Hi I am trying to create a formula that will sum the No. of Minutes Taken to Complete Job based on the Job Type. This is what I'm using currently: However, its' bringing back zero when you can clearly see a CD Extraction Job Type in row two. I'm assuming it's because it is a drop down but, there will only ever be one…
Conditional Serial Numbering
Hi, I'm trying to start a serial numbering sheet and having some trouble wrapping my head around how to make it work. I'd normally use the auto generated column but I only want the number sequence to increase if one of the columns has a status of Approved. Additionally, there are groupings that need to have their own…
Count Date + N/A
I have a columns "LAN M Actual Complete" and another column "2nd Touch Indicator" I need total Site complete: count if "LAN M Actual Complete" has a date and "N/A" in the "2nd Touch Indicator column" Dont' count if "LAN M Actual Complete" has a date or no date and "2nd Touch Indicator" is blank or something else besides…
countifs referencing another sheet
Hi. I want to insert a formula in one sheet that references a column in another sheet where is counts if the symbol is Yellow, green or red. I can get it to count for yellow but unsure how to add green and red. Thanks,
Formula for populating a Date Cell Based on reference column
Hi, Hoping someone can help me write a formula for a date column. I am very new to writing formulas and could use some guidance. I would like to have a date populated based on previous data. Expires column is where I am looking to insert the formula. If the date is 3/21/22 and length of access is 6 months, I would like the…
IF either of the two cells are blank
I am trying to write a formula if either of the two cells are blank return result blank or subtract the numbers. This what I tried and getting an error: =IF(OR(ISBLANK([ABC]@row, ISBLANK([BCD]@row))), [ABC]@row - [BCD]@row, "")
COUNTIFS with 2 values in the same column
Hello, I need to count status values which reside in the same column that are related to a specific track. I think I need to add OR( in the formula but am not sure how that is formatted. My current formula is below. =COUNTIFS({Status}, @cell = "Backlog", {Status}, @cell = "In Progress", {Track}, @cell = "Dashboard…
My COUNTIF formula is returning 0 instead of the correct decimal value. What am I doing wrong?
Hi, I am using this formula in a supporting sheet to calculate readiness for a task, but I keep getting zeros no matter what... =COUNTIF({Cross-site IHA Yes}, 1 / COUNTIF({Cross-Site IHA Ask 1}, 1)) Essentially this is saying, count all the "checked" boxes in column 1 and divide them by the number of boxes "checked" in…
Populate/Select a Contact (from a list) depending on the value selected in another cell
I have a problem I can't quite solve and I'm not sure if it's just not possible: I have a 'Responsible' column that is a list of Contacts. I have another column called 'Site' that is a drop down list. Depending on what 'Site' is selected I'd like the corresponding 'Responsible' to be populated. Example: If Site 'NYC' is…