"If" Function - #unparseable and #incorrectargument
I am trying to write a formula to translate a % in one column into a phrase in the next column using the If Function I have tried multiple ways to get this argument to work - with this one I get the #unparseable error =IF([IDD/DMD Process Flow]@row = "0%", "New", IF([IDD/DMD Process Flow]@row = "10%", "IDD Started",…
If formula - to consolidate color status
Hello Trying to consolidate multiple cells in the same column - roll up status essentially I have 1 cell that I am trying to consolidate from 2-3 other color status columns without having to write out all the combinations . Essentially if all are green = green If one or more is yellow - consolidated status is yellow if one…
How to return a join without a specific value?
Hi guys, been racking my brain all morning on this one. I have a column with an array of names, and another column with singular names. I'm looking to compare the 2 columns, remove the matching name, then return the remaining names. My full formula will contain matching on multiple criteria, the name matching as described…
IF(And/OR) Formula Help
Hello, I have the below formula I am working from and everything works EXCEPT the last part of the formula where we are asking for the health to show as blank if the start date is blank or the status is Not started. Also, we were using If(AND prior to using IF(OR and wondering what the true difference is. If we use "OR" is…
Calculate the number of day
Hello, I would like create a graph with the number of days absence per month added by employees. I have the beginning of absence and the end of absence. Someone can help me please
Referencing Multiple Sheets to Access Real Time Information
Hello, I run a certification company and I use SmartSheets to assist in license management. Currently, I track purchased, used and available licenses for 50+ companies in one sheet. Think inventory management for multiple companies. For each company, I also have individual sheets where I enter their unique certification…
Filter by Parent Row with Children and Grandchildren
Hello! I recently created a sheet to track all of our projects (parent row) with some high level milestones (child row). I created a helper column so that I could filter just by the parent row of each project. In the helper column, I used this formula: =IF(COUNT(CHILDREN([Feature Request]@row)) <> 0, [Feature Request]@row,…
IF(OR(Find Statement
I am trying to build a formula that searches in a column for a certain word using FIND( and I would like to add OR to that. I am using this formula and it is working fine: =LEFT([Address]@row, FIND("TZ", [Address]@row) - 1) I would like to add FIND("GZ" so that it returns either after finding "TZ" or "GZ" Thank you!
List of PM's with Active projects
I need a list with the following criteria, that I will add to my dashboards. This data would be pulled from my Intake Sheet. List of all Project Managers that have In Progress Projects and provide a count of the number of projects they have. I need to be able to add this to my toolkit so I can provision it from Control…
Count Formula
Hello, I am working on the below formula and I am not sure if it is even possible to combine the two. I am wanting (in the Health column) to count if there are more than three red health subtasks, to show as red, if there are more than 3 yellow, to show as yellow, and anything else to be green. I would also like it to show…