Sumif column name contains "Tax"
Hi All, I'm using smartsheets to track scores from daily quizzes taken by members over several teams. The end goal is that we want to compare the total scores from each team in a dashboard, so I'm trying to use the sheet summary to calculate the totals. Basically, each column on the sheet has one employee's name and the…
Formula Help with CountIf from another sheet
I'm trying to get the total count from a column in another sheet. The column is a drop down list and I'd like to get the count of a particular selection. I keep getting #unparseable no matter what I try. Here is my current formula. =COUNTIF({Source Sheet Column}:{Source Sheet Column},CONTAINS("Discovery",{Source Sheet…
Nested IF Statement Inquiry
Hi team, I am having difficulty with nested IF Statements. As part of our project tracking, each phase has a particular value. In order to use dashboards and report on these values (since charts can only use numeric values), I need to create a value for each of the phases below. I have inserted a column directly next to…
IF + ISBLANK Formula
Hello, I am not being able to apply this specific case of the formulas IF and ISBLANK combined. Can I have some help? I want the formula to return "Pending" in the verification status column if all yellow cells are blank, and "Verified" if at least one of the yellow cells is filled out. Thank you so much in advance!
Is it possible to get copies of emails sent out via automation (to a contact in a cell)?
I have an automation that sends out "Congratulations, you passed!" emails based on form submission/sheet data. Is it possible to retrieve copies of these emails that were sent in the past? In case the info is needed, my settings are "unrestricted," and email addresses are from contacts outside of my organization. Thank you!
How to get an average of % Complete.
Im working on a spreadsheet that has tasks for a job status report of whether it is complete, not started or in progress. This feeds into another column called % complete which I used the IF function to turn the status into a percent. How can I get an average of the percentages?
How can I calculate a start date using a due date (end date) and a calculated duration in days?
Here are the relevant columns I have: Project Scope: we use a categorizing system with 5 different categories. Each category corresponds to a number of days. For example, "honeybee" takes 10 days, "cat" takes 30 days. Project Duration: I used an IF(CONTAINS) formula to calculate a number of working days needed based on the…
Health Status on Report
Hi All, I've been building my files and reports. I've gotten my RGY formulas down, however, how in the world do I get it to give me a RGY health summary as it does for the other columns? I have a report that pulls in each rep as I have it below, just missing that one piece! Am I missing a step?
Creating an automated report
Hi, It's me again. Today I would like to ask if it is possible for reports to automatically select items that meet all the requirements of a set criteria. What I would like to do is make it so that when a task is completed and the box is check, that that task is added to the report and displayed on a dashboard. Is this…
Previous month count should stop when we enter the current month
Hi, Is the following test case possible? I have "four phases" available in the "AppliedPRO column"; I want to automatically count the phases for each month, but my previous month count should stop when we enter the current month. I hope this test case is useful to other users as well Thanks