HELP!! Need a formula to count days if the days are in a specific week number
Hello everyone! I hope someone can help me figure this out! I am quite good with formulas but for some reason, this has me stumped completely! I have developed a Time Off Request process for our company. There is a start date and end date. I have columns that return week number based on the date range. Basically I have a…
Index and match Questions
looking for help with my Index and match problem I am having =INDEX({Nelson Cable List Inventory Install Tracki Range 1}, MATCH([Spool ID]@row, {Nelson Cable List Inventory Install Tracki Range 2}, 0)) Range 1 is the Data I want to Show on the new sheet. Range 2 is the Data I am Matching on new sheet from the other sheet.…
IF any dates in a series are within a date range, then value formula
Hi There, I've been trying to come up with a formula that allows me to check any dates within a series and if ANY of the dates within the series is within a specified date range, then it equal a value. I have listed a brief example below: IF any of the dates within a row, i.e.:…
Join distinct collect
COUNTIFS and Array Outputs / Formula Spills
See below formula: =Sum(countIfs(criteria_range1, criteria 1, criteria_range2, criteria 2)) If criteria 2 is an a array/range of values – Excel has the functionality to output an array of values as a result of formula spill from the COUNTIFS which then get summed. Does Smartsheet have the ability to output an array from a…
Because I maxed-out on multiple sheet references, I had to break up one large sheet into 3 smaller ones in order to collect the data I need. I am trying to get the last patient visit from 3 different sheets. The sheets are broken up by the year of the initial patient visit. My formula works for some patients but not for…
Using IF/AND and blank
Hi, I'm trying to populate a cell with "Verified Lead" (from a drop-down) if Sales & Leads box is checked and Blue Button Request # is not blank. This is what I have but it's not working: =IF(AND(NOT(ISBLANK([Blue Button Request #]@row)), [Sales & Leads]@row, 1), "Verified Lead")) Thanks for your help!
Data Shuttle attachment
Hi there - I set-up a Data Shuttle to run on attachment. Do you know if this is at the sheet level or row level? Or is it just any attachment it will run? I'm pulling data from a database with an offload, and it places it as an attachment in the Tracker, then an upload Data Shuttle inputs that data into that same Tracker.…
Automated Workflow to Generate Doc
Morning! I have tried multiple times to create a simple automation to generate a form via doc generator. Flat out doesn't work. Automation is triggered by a status change in a cell and the document is mapped and it works manually to generate it, just cannot get the automation to work Anyone else have this problem? Any…
Deadline based on Priority dropdown menu
Hello all, I am using SS to process work orders. People fill out a form which has a priority dropdown column with classifications such as urgent, semi urgent, can wait etc... I wanted to see if i could write a formula in the deadline column to calculate a date based on the priority picked. ie- if someone picks urgent, the…